Saturday, May 30, 2009


I did a little work and I think the gypsy group I met is fine. So I'll finish writing about her story.

As for the other people with boat and fun discussions on windsor and being illegitimate something-or-others, or lost aristocracy (haha. ;)), i'm going to keep the rest of my writings about them private. There will be interesting things to discover I'm sure, but I want to keep it private. So that's the end of that, in general.

And as for the book, I have no idea why I kept that book and who cares. If I can't remember anyway...!

Still having fun and feeling better about life.

Listened to portishead last night and this morning, forgetting how much I like them. Especially, "Give Me A Reason."

I did a lot of cleaning today and watered plants. Still cleaning but got some of it done.

Am under strict orders not to get pregnant. Wine and liquor tasting to be done. I might need an education.

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