Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Ringmaster's Secret & Charm Bracelet

I was just wondering why I have saved one Nancy Drew book out of my whole collection. Did I do this? I don't remember doing this and I don't know why I did either.

My grandmother had an enormous collection of Nancy Drew books and i read them all and loved them. Then I think I gave them away or sold many of them. But one that I saved, which was in my hope chest, is "The Ringmaster's Secret".

There is a cover of a circus performer in a pink tutu (an aerialist) next to Nancy Drew. I just looked up the storyline on wikipedia and it involves a charm bracelet.

There is this performer who is given a charm bracelet by the Queen, or a Queen who loves horses. One of the horse charms is missing. Nancy Drew's puzzle is to find out where the charm went. She runs into another circus performer who has the horse charm they're looking for.

People keep trying to kill or maim or threaten Nancy so she isn't able to solve the mystery and then as it turns out, the horse charm and the bracelet belong together and they are the pieces for reuniting a mother and daughter back together who were separated for years. I guess their entire lives.

Why the hell did I save this book? Maybe I liked the tutu because it looked like a ballet get-up? Well I don't know, but I think it has to be something like that. I probably liked the photo on the cover and that was it. Maybe just wanted to keep at least one of the books, for whatever reason. Or maybe I liked the story and how it was written. This one was actually not written by Carolyn Keene but by another woman going under a pseudonym.

Why it's interesting to me now is because I recently looked at the charm bracelet Princess Diana had, just very recently, and noticed the charms on it. There is X, W, and H. For some reason, the idea occured that X wasn't for Charles but maybe they were all initials for children she had, and one was miscarried or maybe there was a twin. But it could just have been for Charles, for the men in her life. I assume it's for Charles.

NO, I'm not saying ME. God. I'm not delusional. I'm just thinking of a lot of things all at once. I started wondering if the women I met are real, first of all, and I need to look up the performer for one thing. Then, I was thinking about Alvaro with the same clown wig that this woman in a van wore when I first met him but I was going to meet up with someone else.

So, just thinking about odds and ends, and I'm not making any conclusions about anything except I do know I've put a few things together from mind games certain individuals in a group were working on.

So, then I just wondered, separately, why I ever DID save that Nancy Drew book.

I think I need to find that piece of paper with the email addresses. Those women seemed to be for real and normal. But lately, how do I know? I mean, just the other night I'm ending up with windsor maid ancestor on a sailboat with rubber duckies.

I mean...

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