Saturday, May 30, 2009

Gypsy Part Of Game Or Not? The Ringmaster's Secret

I wanted to write a little bit about the gypsy woman. She has such a great story, all of the women around the table had tears in their eyes.

I know I can't even give the synopsis the way she can. She is the best one to tell the story and she does a great job of telling it. I think she should be an inspirational speaker or something. She does want to open a new business that benefits others.

She is from West Texas.

When I first saw her, she was wearing jeans and a wild colored sweatshirt with skulls on the hood, and a t-shirt beneath with a gold crown. She had a Prada handbag with her. Long straight dark brown hair. I noticed her legs right away because anyone would. She has incredibly long legs and is very fit. So the Marilyn Monroe woman, who was inspiratonal herself, met up with her other two friends, all of whom were like something out of fried green tomatoes. Or a patchwork quilt story. Women enduring through trials and tribulations.

There was me, with my issues. And there was this Marilyn look-a-like who had been physically abused by her husband for 10 years until they divorced. He never paid for anything. She had three kids and then one year after they were divorced, he drowned in a freak car accident. She got social security from him and was able to support her kids finally. Then she remarried and is still in love with the one she married.

The other woman was more of a stoic but you could tell she'd been through a lot too. She had been married for 30 years and then her husband got cancer. He had chemo and his behavior changed. He wasn't the same anymore and they said it was because chemo can affect the brain. So he left her, after all those years and she didn't know what to do. She said the first year was horrible. Then he was free of cancer and after 2 years, he got it again and it was throughout his body and then after the drug therapy it went away again. Cancer-free.

So we were around the table with the dark haired woman and the other women kept telling me she had this incredible story. They said they were all food demo people for Costco and two of them were from Kentucky and the one was from Texas. They said they all lived in Carson City, NV now. When we toasted, she said "salut" and I asked if she was Latina but she said no, she had just lived in Mexico for awhile.

She worked as a circus performer. Along the lines of Merit Becker. She opened up her own traveling troupe and taught herself acts like sword swallowing, eating fire, lying on a bed of nails, and walking on glass. Along with, she said, other acts and roles in dancing and other parts. Her parents weren't into it and she said they were conservative and she rebelled. She was doing drugs at age 11 but got them from people outside of her family. She said she learned how to balance things from a young age. So she went to college and ran into people who did this sort of thing and she'd been performing in dance since she was 3 years old so she joined up with some others and started her own sideshow group. She had never done it before and just read books and had other people teach her how to do it. She watched people build a bed of nails, she said, and built her own. Then, she says, she performed all these acts but was on drugs at the same time and it was really hard on her body. She had friends whose entire lives were in the sideshow. One of the guys had horns implanted, she said, in his head, and that's all he was, "the enigma". Then his girlfriend had whiskers implanted in her cheeks and had tiger stripes tatooed over her body and they were fully dedicated to being this act.

But she said, she did it for the challenge but didn't want that to be her entire life. So she says she almost died from sword swallowing, not from the actual sword but a bacterial infection that landed her in the hospital. She said for all the skill it took to do her shows, it was feast or famine. She was written about in a book, chosen to be one of 10 out of hundreds featured. I am trying to find her now but can't yet. She gave me her email address and name and I noticed her last name is pronouced the same as the Thebaults: Thiebauld. (pronunciation--TayBO).

I'll have to look for it and for the paper again. She and the Marilyn woman gave me their names and email addresses.

But at any rate, she said she almost died. Now that I'm writing this, I think I need to check some things out...

The guy who I was meeting seemed to be an actor. The whole thing was just a weird game and now I'm wondering and hoping my being approached by these women wasn't also something weird. I don't think so, but with all the games being played, and my ex even calling our relationship a 'game', I think I need to check some things.

My ex kept looking at this book I had saved when I was little, a Nancy Drew book called The Ringmaster's Secret and it had a picture of a circus and perfomers on the cover. And you know, there was that clown that I saw when I was in D.C., that I wrote about, the woman wearing the multi-colored clown wig. And then I later saw photos of my ex, Alvaro, wearing that same wig, or, a wig that was just like it. He was making a bunch of faces with the wig on like it was a show. And I saw these photos after the woman clown drove by in the white van.

Alvaro also had a photo of himself pulling a sword out of a stone. The photos were set in Thailand or looked like a Thai background.

At the firepit when I was meeting the one guy in San Fran., I was presented with a "My Thai". And one of the guys kept pointing out the walls of the hotel, to my room, and I realized they were painted the same way as the walls in a dream I had which I told Christa Schneider about over 7 years ago and she wanted details, and to know exactly what it looked like. It looked like the walls of the hotel I was at in San Fran.

This is weird.

I'm going to have to look into things a little more and verify some stuff.

Why I only saved that one book, "The Ringmaster's Secret", I have no idea. I couldn't even remember what it was about but I saved it out of all my Nancy Drew books and the whole collection I had. Why THAT one?

So I'm wikipedia-ing it to find the plot.

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