Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wild Adventures

I have to work today but I need to write a little bit first or I won't have it out of my system. And I have some things to write about! and identities to protect. But I think my life is a lot of bad luck and some extraordinary good luck too.

I had all these weird thing happen in San Fran. but I like San Fran. I really like that harbor and the weather. But then this guy sat next to me on the plane and he seemed friendly but it was weird again. He came on with a fishing pole. Just love the whole "fish" theme in my life. Then he has me look at his book about an American woman living with Aussie aborgines and he wants me to read these excerpts, one about the web of life and cobwebs. He encouraged me to go to school and bought me a bloody Mary and had a bloody Mary and then left with "peace". He was navy. He asked me if I believed in "destiny". I said I didn't know, that I used to, but I didn't know what to think anymore.

So I had switched my connection because I had a weird vibe with the San Fran. people. He had me going to Portland with a layover for hours and THEN Seattle, and I felt the whole thing...Well, I talked to these other women, the Marilyn Monroe woman and the gypsy and the other, and they agreed with me. Get OUT and switch it up. And that's exactly what I did.

I took a flight directly to Seattle airport. The guy I had gone to visit, left me with a hotel bill and car bill in San Fran when he said he was paying it all with his credit card. I saw the bill at my door at the hotel and thought you've got to be kidding me, and I didn't want to try to check out and have them tell me I had to pay before I could get my rental car out of the garage. So I just went to the garage and said I was going to make a donut run.

I got in the car and drove to the airport, where I was told there was a bill on the car. I couldn't believe it, so I said the guy had paid for it through expedia and it was his bill. At first I didn't know if I was going to be able to get on the plane but the guy let me by.

The guy I was sitting next to seemed sort of okay but it was weird so he asked me where I was going and I said to my gate. He asked if I had baggage at baggage claim and I said no. So we parted. And then I decided to go back to baggage claim without him knowing. I went down there and he was getting his stuff with some slight women with a blond topknot and his demeanor was totally different. He wasn't acting like the wide-eyed innocent chatty guy anymore. It was kind of odd, I thought. Do I know what to make of it? no. But he looked sarcastic and was just different. I followed him for awhile and they didn't know. I just had this feeling it was possible he knew me somehow. But I didn't know if it was in a good way or not and he might not know me at ALL. It wasn't that big of deal.

But I didn't have money, and I had a connection to Wenatchee where they've frozen me out intentionally and lie about me. I had some money and maybe should have managed it better, but I did NOT think it would be that hard to get a job there. No one will hire me. So I have zero money, and I'm supposed to go back to Wenatchee to a locked out house and no money? That place is just a trap. But I have to see my son and I am determined to get him back and it's not my fault I don't have money when so many physical medical problems have prevented me from working and wiped me out.

So I tried to buy something to eat and my cards were gone and out. That was it. After all the corruption in Wenatchee, and lying, and then not being able to work to even be on my feet...

Oh, and there was some Irish guy really eyeing me when I got to the San Fran. airport. He was well dressed but just looked at me like he knew me and...didn't like me and had enjoyed the little game in San Fran, and I think that guy, "Charles", well he had Irish eyes and then the other two people were from Jersey and Monterey. Italian I THINK but I'm not sure.

There's even more, there's more about putting the whole 2 and 2 together on this San Fran thing but I'll have to write about it another time.

So back to not having any money, I decided then and there, I had to think of something. I felt betrayed by U.S. people, but I know it's just a certain group. I didn't know what to do. So I had nothing and I just walked through the airport until I got to Vino Vollo, a little wine place and that was it. I went in and sat down and thought. I didn't know what I was going to do.

So I suddenly remembered a Pakistani friend from Seattle. But I couldn't find his name in my book at first and so I called another Pakistani friend in D.C. for advice. And for once, I burst into tears in a public place but I restrained myself.

I then found the name as I was talking to the other guy. I decided I was going to stay in Seattle and get work here. But I didn't know where to stay and then I found the number and name and everything. I wasn't going to take the Wenatchee connection.
I am still going to visit my son and need to get my stuff but I have to do something else and move fast.

So I was able to use someone's telephone and make the connections. But I had nothing and I was hungry. I was packing around pizza from San Fran because the guy there hadn't paid for stuff and then bailed and I didn't have money. But as it turned out, someone bought me a glass of wine and then a flight and I had a chicken salad and then I was still hungry and I had a pork taco. I was going to hang out at the port for awhile and this woman who I'll keep anonymous, said she'd like to hang out with me until I talked to my Pakistani friend. And she was really, really, amazing. She gave me $40 and then said to come with her. Before we could take off, I got some books at the bookstore and she later said my selection had endeared me to her. I came in with 4 books, all which I was going to return and just wanted to read for awhile. She asked what I had and I had "The Ice Man--some mafia and mob story", "History of Civil Rights", "God Is Not Great", and some new CIA book about all the technology and equipment they use now. I figured I might want to know what's out there. So I was reading the mob book and just staring at these photos of the guy and his family and they all look so NORMAL and happy and just like a picture perfect family. Just amazing. Anyway, yeah, like I'm going to be able to read them all, but...I was working on the one. And then I had to return them all. hahahaa! Anyway, she said she thought I might have some brains since I wasn't choosing a romance novel or something.

I saw a few men walk by when I was there, who smiled and nodded in my direction. I remember one very tall man with dark hair in particular. I looked me directly in the eye and gave this nod and I started to feel like things were going to turn out alright.

Then, it just got more and more crazy. In a good way. We went to her house and it was just beautiful. Craftsman style and yacht magazines all over the place. I know how to spell yacht now!

So we went out to this really cool place with sushi and had pinot grigio and house white and then this cocktail that was really good. And a lot of sushi. It was perfect. I met this nice couple who were there and we started chatting. I liked them a lot--one guy's family is from Thai originally and the other was from China...I think just ethnicity-wise. And then we saw the same couple later that night, randomly!

After eating there, the guy who does yachting or sailing actually, competitive sailing, had to putter his boat out past the locks for a race which was begun today. Asked if we wanted to go with! of course!!! It was the most beautiful day. I am not even kidding. The weather was amazing.

So we went out to the Seattle harbor or yacht place and got on board. There were little rubber ducky icons on the pole in the middle. And then they pull out this yellow rubber ducky.

This is after I found out the woman is a writer! English lit. and freelance writer for a magazine and she and I both like to dance and love the arts. Then it got even weirder.

Windsor castle weird.

I was noticing these spots in her eyes at the Japanese place and she had sectoral heterochromia like me. She noticed my spot too. And her heritage is english, irish, welsh, and scottish and she spent some time in Scotland.

So I don't want to say very much specifically, but her family used to work at Windsor, and she's writing on the side about it and has a letter from the Royal family or whatever for this woman who worked in the house, back when. We were on the sailboat at that point, sitting at the front of the boat. I noticed her toes later and she has the athenian foot and we compared toes. We started joking around that we were lost decendents of aristocracy or something and she brought up blood problems and when she asked who gave me the hicky on my neck, she nodded and said it was from easy bruising. So we were just joking around and I told her about my interest in Diana and she said Davis was welsh but I'd never heard we were welsh.

Oh, and the hicky. I told her, it was NOT from the guy in San Fran. It was from the guy who tried to tackle me who I told to get lost. I remember he kissed my neck but I did not remember him doing anything that would give me a hickey and I told her I was so embarressed because you can't even cover it up though I tried, with make-up. At least I was able to say it wasn't from San Fran man.

Anyway, what's weird, is that she didn't seek me out. I walked to her. I mean, one minute I'm in the Seattle airport and the next, I'm meeting windsor woman unbenownst to me. We had so many common interests it's a little uncanny! We talked about Henry and Will and personalities and she asked who I thought the love of Diana's life was.

Oh, and the best part about the boat! (besides being on the water and that wonderful smell of saltwater, smoke, and gasoline...seriously, I like it) We were approaching this bridge and he handed me this can with a nozzle on it. I looked at it. He asked me to do the honors. I didn't know what it was for! I looked at that can, and I thought it was a can of silly string.

So I didn't know what to do with it. I thought, "Am I supposed to wave this can around so the string goes flying out everywhere?" I imagined it was all this colorful party string and I thought maybe it was a way to christen the boat. Well, not christen it, but...? I knew it was some kind of tradition. So I'm holding the can and then they said, you press the nozzle down to blow the horn for opening the bridge up. And they said to do it once for a long time and then a short blast. They covered their ears so I decided to raise my arms up to cover my ears and held the horn up high in the air. With my arms all the way over my head I pressed the nozzle down for the blasts. It was loud! and so fun--sort of a thrill. They said I did it right, and clapped and cheered and then we saw this line of people on the shore and they were cheering and we waved. And I held out my glass of wine to toast them.

Then they pointed out how this opens up the bridge. They said we had to wait for a response and then it would either open or not. I said it was like "open sesame." Well, I think I just said "Open Sesame" when it opened up. It blasted out a response and we went through and then we went to the locks. We got to the locks and the attendents said the holy grail had arrived. I am NOT fucking kidding. Which was in connection, I think,, with a sculpture... Oh, and it was funny, because before that, we went out to this opening in the harbor. There was a metal sculpture on this little island and I could see the shape of a dragon and I thought it was a skeleton.

She pointed it out and we got closer I said, "Oh, cool, it's a dragon and a skeleton" and then we got farther and I saw the skeleton had a sword. It was Arthur, pulling the sword out of the stone.

Then this blond woman on the beach, in a bikini, ran along the beach as far as our boat went and then stopped, turned, and waved and we waved back.

I was having so much fun with them and then we looked at eachother and agreed, never could I have imagined my day would end this way. He had these really brilliant blue eyes and said he was English and Irish. I've seen some of these eyes lately. She says she came from a Mormon family originally and I don't know about him. She knows a lot about her family because of the genealogy from the Mormons.

So after this, the boat was tied up but she played U2s "With Or Without You" and said it was played for me specifically.

Then we went to this fun place called Sambas for cocktails and to see one of the best cocktail mixers in the town. I really liked the place--it was like a secret garden and had good modern art up on the wall. I liked the art, it was really passionate. It had spaces of peace and tranquility and then passion and the colors were gorgeous. Modern and with roses and maybe sunflowers. some yellow flower. Red, white, black, yellow, a little pink, and blue. i wish I'd taken some photos. And then there were my favorite flowers in a vase on the bar--asiatic lilies. The asian couple I liked and talked to were there. The woman gave me her card. They were both journalists. And this other guy I met is a freelance writer too, about film, especially foreign film.

I had the gingerini, which was fantastic and made of real ginger.

I do wonder about things a little. I should, right?

Then, I called my Pakistani friend who said everything is going to be fine and that he's got a place for me and work too. So money coming in.

And then I just met this other guy who said he's going to check around for work for me too and he knows a few people. So this is good.

I got to play a little guitar this morning too, because the same day this woman met me she had bought a guitar and a fiddle. So I'm really rusty but I tuned it and played and sang "Closer I am To Fine", "Down To The River To Pray", and Leonard Cohens "Hallelujah".

Someday, if I have a boat of my own, I'm going to have a silly string tradition. Every boat should have a can.

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