Tuesday, May 26, 2009

CPS Michelle Erickson On State Actions

Michelle with Wenatchee CPS continues to lie and now tells me they're not going to increase the visitation I have with my son, claiming I "traumatize" him by looking for and checking him about his bruises.

She made it clear the state is working toward limiting my visitation so my rights are terminated and told me I was mentally ill and had to be in "treatment".

When I said it was about time for me to upload all the harassment and mocking she made of me at the hearings when I was railroaded without a lawyer and without discovery or time to prepare a defense, she got very insistent that I had to take that to COURT and not put it online.

I asked her how I was supposed to use the same "court" and Judge, that HIMSELF violated rules of civil procedure? I'm supposed to believe Judge Hotchkiss is going to do anything right or legal, after repeatedly refusing me a PD, and telling me I had to be pro se on the spot, with no notice and then hanging up on me and then proceeding with other hearings when he knew I didn't have discovery?

I have so many people lying and who want to have me lose my son, in retaliation for things I've written, I do not think I will get my son back. I am outnumbered and overpowered even though I'm the one with the evidence to back my claims.

I am too tired and have been set back with medical injuries which have prevented me from working and having resources to get what I need done for myself in absence of a PD. It is going to be a miracle if I get my son back.

I thought, no, there is no way anyone could take my son, when I know I'm the one who has been honest throughout. But, I never believed the Wenatchee medical professionals would get away with what they did, in lying from the start, to claim I and my son had NO medical injuries from childbirth.

When I asked Michelle if she'd read the witness statements I had submitted, she KNEW that it's powerful, but she shrugged it off, saying some of the phone numbers were cut off and that nothing was signed.

They know how damning this evidence is, and she fully knows and believes it's honest and coming from other people, but she doesn't worry about it bc her lawyers are saying it doesn't hold up. This judge refuses to give me a PD and expects me to have resources to take care of everything on my own.

They are looking for every and any excuse to keep evidence OUT of the record and just have my son out of my care. They all know my plan is to get a P.I. attorney for Oliver's injuries and all they are doing is working with the same people to keep him from being back in my care. CPS and the others already know that my aunt and uncle will not sue on behalf of my son. My aunt and uncle don't "believe" in suing for anything. My son could be hooked up to an oxygen tank and they wouldn't even consider it.


  1. I’ve been reading your blog now for almost a year. While much of what you write is interesting and keeps me reading, it’s painful to read about your battle to regain your son. It’s painful because it would be so easy for you to get more access to your son, yet you seem to do everything you can to make the situation worse.
    Having had some experience with the social service and court system in Washington State (a few years back), I can tell you a few things about it. First, the courts are under no obligation, by the state or federal constitution, to appoint a lawyer for you in a civil case (child custody cases are civil cases). You are not a defendant – only defendants get a lawyer. The only exception would be if they were to consider you mentally ill enough to appoint you a guardian. A bit of searching and a call led me to a non-profit legal service that does cater to people in need of low cost legal services. Their fees are based upon need and income, meaning you would likely pay nothing to obtain legal help from them. It’s called Columbia Legal Services. Their website is http://www.columbialegal.org/ and the phone number for the office there is (509) 662-9681.
    Second, the court can and will require that you undergo a psychological evaluation to regain more custody of your son. I’ve had an evaluation myself. It’s nothing to be afraid of. They will provide you a list of professionals that you can see. None are on the state payroll. They are just counselors that accept work the state sends them in addition to their normal caseload. With rare exceptions, all shrinks these days are about the same. Though they may not get every detail right, they will get the overall picture correct. This is your chance to prove to the court that you are okay. All you have to do is play their game for a little bit. You will likely be rewarded as the judge and others start to realize your desire to get your son back. Actions often speak much louder than words in court. If you show that you are willing to jump through a hoop or two, they will see that you are truly motivated and will start to work for you instead of against you.

    ...more next post...

  2. ...continued...

    Are you afraid you might be labeled if you have an evaluation? Are you scared they will just use that as further evidence to take your son away? While it may seem that way, the opposite is likely true. If for some reason you are diagnosed with something, you’d only have to “play along” with treatment for a few months while you work your case through the courts. The court doesn’t have unlimited time, so you’d only have to play by the system’s rules for a few months at the most. Is your son not worth a few sacrifices?
    The courts aren’t afraid of diagnoses like “paranoid schizophrenia” or “bi-polar” or any other major psychological disorder because there are MANY people with major psychological disorders. They’d have to lock us all up if having a disorder was such a bad thing. The court isn’t looking for the disorder so much as they are looking to see if you can be stable (in their opinion) by attending therapy sessions and taking medication if that is recommended by a shrink. If you can prove to them that you are stable, they will be much more willing to not only give you increased visitation, but they will advocate for you and help you with other social services such as rent assistance, job training, etc.
    Having followed a few cases through the courts, not least of all my own, I can see with great clarity the path you are headed down right now. I don’t need to “know” you in detail, I know the courts well enough to make a fairly accurate prediction. As far as the court and social service agents are concerned, you are uncooperative, likely mentally ill, and doing everything you can to defame them and fight the system. They hold the power and they will use it. If you don’t find a way to play along somehow and change their perception, you will lose. I’ve been in a similar situation with the courts and it was not fun. I even had a high paid attorney, and things initially worked against me. Looking back on it, it took very little effort to satisfy their demands.
    You have nothing to lose by just trying to play their way. There is no vast conspiracy going after you. They simply don’t have the time or money for that. The courts and social service agencies work with literally hundreds of thousands of people each year. They don’t have the time or resources to try to frame you, get people to spy on you, intercept your mail, use radio waves to hack into your computer, or any of the other things you’ve alleged. Your writings show that you are an especially intelligent person, but when it comes to the subject of FBI/CIA/social services/court conspiracy, you really make yourself look stupid. Those agencies are so amazingly understaffed and underfunded that they don’t have the resources to do their job half the time. There are stories about that in the news almost continually. To think they are going after you in some sort of organized conspiracy is just silly, and your musings about it just make you look dumb. The one exception to what I’ve said is when it comes to your son. There is a conspiracy of sorts to keep your son away from harm. Right now, they view you as harmful, and it’s up to you to change their view. By all appearances, you could choose to work with the system and start being a bigger part of your son’s life.
    I hope for your sake that you are able to find a way to work with the system. If you don’t, you will lose more and more rights. Your son deserves to have you in his life. What you do will determine his future, so PLEASE stop fighting and find a way to play along for his sake!
