Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Latin Grapevine and Good Notice

I'm meeting a lot of friendly people today, actually. I don't know. I feel very up and confident, but low about the way the state and Wenatchee CPS people or those involved, are so confident lying and harassing me, still.

The other thing I noticed, is the fucking FAST grapevine of the latinos and Italians. It's like the Pakistanis. In D.C., one minute you're talking to a Pakistani guy and the next minute, a black towncar is pulling up. They are incredibly connected people.

But everytime I ever send out word about my ex maybe wanting to help me out on something, I start getting calls out of the blue and people visiting me who are Italian and Latino.

I have to say, I am extremely impressed with the network, word of mouth, and ability to keep up on info. I mean, within minutes of emailing my Ex and leaving a VM, all of a sudden, these Mexican guys called me and then I ran into an Italian guy who came over to the cafe. I don't know, all supportive and friendly too. I don't know it's even possible, to be that fast and interconnected, but there is really something to be said for the concept of community and family with Latin cultures. Sometimes, though, I don't know who is calling because they're afraid of my Ex or if it's out of respect, or what. I have no idea. The one was really nice and when I said he had to be Italian he said yes and I said, tell me, it has to be from your mother AND father, right? and he said yes. But no East Coast accent at all. He thinks it's a little more dangerous over NY side but likes that area too. The last thing he said to me was "Life is short." In a positive way, not weird at all.

For some reason, the police (like, specifically the detectives who tried to lie and say my son didn't have all the bruises) didn't treat me this way when he was around. But I don't know what that means.

I asked those officers for copies of their photos and "evidence" and filled out the form that very day. I haven't received anything. The woman said it should be quick, within 7 days but of course I don't have anything and it's been longer than that. Those officers, Mathison and Moore, are corrupt. They not only lied about my son, to support and defend "the state", they were lying about the burns on another guy who was 16 years old, in defense of "the state workers". How can they live with themselves? knowing...just KNOWING? exactly what they're doing??? What are Mathison and Moore getting out of it? To my knowledge, Moore and Mathison are not part of any "gang" other than feeling like they'r entitled to screw around with people's lives because they have a badge. They're white guys. I don't know what religion. But there must be some reward, incentive, or pay-off they're getting out of doing this for the state. Maybe just simple job security and the knowledge something might scratch their back in the future. They're supposed to be the defenders and protectors of the public.

And not all police are bad. There are good cops. Who really strive to be fair and do justice for all. I know there are other cops in this town who must already know something about the character of Moore and Mathison. Someone knows. Who is NOT a part of it. But then law enforcement wonders why people form gangs.

Did ANYBODY EVER THINK...UMMMmmmmmm...all the stuff I was talking about that happens to immigrants, when they're being exploited and their rights are trampled, and they're trying to rise when others want to keep them down for their own benefit...Did anyone ever think that maybe the "Mexican" problem is the way it is because this is the most exploited group in the U.S., possibly? the one that gets the most discrimination? Just like it was Italians at one time, and Irish at one time...whoever the new immigrants are...especially if they're coming to the U.S. as a group that's poor and suffered hardship, they're targeted.

And it's not a very good idea when probably half of the U.S. population will be Latino in another 50 years.

I'm not saying I know everything about my Ex. I have refrained from writing about things that were going on over there and I might need a little more time to figure some things out. Things were going on.

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