Friday, May 1, 2009

Exxon the Con

He went on and on about marriage and green card shit again. He keeps his phone out when he's talking about green cards but not when he's talking about how he loves me, supposedly.

Then, he was yelling in my face, but he's been putting on these angry episodes, right after he gets this expression on his face that indicates he knows he deserves what he gets. It's like a big act.

Last night he wanted the keys to the house when it was already open and everyone knew it and I was the last to leave. He claimed it was to get in but that's not true--it was open. So I get there, and no one comes to the door forever, even though I rang the bell and knocked on the door. I knocked on our bedroom window and heard the dog with its little bell collar in my room. Why the dog, who belongs the woman who owns the house was in the room, I don't know because it's usually closed.

So then she opens the door in a robe and Exxon is on the couch and claimed he didn't hear anything because he fell asleep. I noticed that night that his face was red the way it gets after he's been kissed, and his nose was bright red too. It was so red, I thought he was fucking sunburned.

He didn't want to kiss or touch me. This morning I looked at his face and there was no red nose or mouth and chin.

Don't tell me he shaved and used the wrong lotion again.

I'm so done.

He actually almost looked like he had tears in his eyes when he told me, this morning, that he loved me more than "a little". Then when I asked him if he'd been with some other woman today he kept cutting me off and said we'd already both apologized to eachother and he didn't want to "go there".

The dog could have been in the room for any reason I suppose. He could have gone out before getting to the house. I, personally, cannot imagine this other woman would do something like that when she knows we're together, and believes we're not just together but married. So I don't think so.

But a lot of things don't make sense and he tends to make admissions after the fact, after getting all over me for thinking he's not being loyal.

I told him, this afternoon, I wasn't going to marry him so he could get his green card, because he was oddly telling me, with his phone out, that if I wasn't going to marry him, he'd have to find another woman. But then privately, he's saying how much he "loves" me. ?!

Too many fucking questions.

He sort of explained the financial stuff so that it actually made sense, but why couldn't he do that before? and it's happened more than once.

I don't get it. One minute he's talking about my living with him, with our kids, as a family, and the next minute it's all about papers and then he'll turn around and claim it has nothing to do with that and he wants to help me.

I told him I'd help him pack his bags today and stood there, and he said he didn't have money for a ticket. So I pretended to leave and slammed the door behind me and then went around a corner and waited for him to come out of the hallway to see what his expression was.

The fucker. He frickin' went from this happy-go-lucky relaxed and amused and light expression to trying, upon seeing me, to seem upset or pissed. Nice try wise guy.

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