Wednesday, May 20, 2009

FOUND A Shirt! Alvaro Didn't Steal

This is just weird.

Alvaro wrote yesterday that he didn't take my shirts, but he wrote other things which weren't true, so I still didn't believe him, but I wondered.

Then this morning, I was digging deeper into a suitcase and I found one of my shirts. The white one. Which is weird, bc it could have been there all along, but I didn't put it there and I had it out on the shelf. So Alvaro didn't steal it, obviously. But someone had to have moved it to the suitcase because it wasn't where it was supposed to be. My bra and underwear were out on the shelf too but I'll have to look some more.

Either someone put things somewhere else on purpose, or I sleepwalk but I really don't think I sleepwalk like that. But I called A. and left him a message apologizing for that.

It still doesn't explain why all the photos of me and my son were missing from my camera, except one of me sleeping.

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