Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Visit With Oliver Today & More Signs of Abuse

Oliver drew a fish, he said he was going to draw a fish and he took a crayon and drew a perfect figure 8, but one part was larger. It looked just like a fish. He drew it in one fluid motion.

Then we practiced acting. We did some "pretend like you're crying", "pretend like you're surprised" stuff and also some pantomime.

We danced and he would run around me and fall into my arms and pretend to be sleeping like a baby with his thumb in his mouth. Then he would get up to drink from his juice box and then repeat the routine. He really liked the story of The Drummer Boy. I read it to him 3 times.

He was saying "no" a lot today so when he wanted to sing "Baa, baa, black sheep" instead of "yes sir, yes sir, three bags full" we sang it, "no sir, no sir, no, no, no!"

We also talked about different musical instruments and how they sound, and we sang lots of songs, did hand motions and played horsie where he rode around on my back.

I was concerned that he has multiple bruises (about 4-5) on his right leg again and none on the left. It's odd they're always on the right leg. I asked my son if someone hurt his legs, and he said yes and then said "bathroom". He kept talking about the bathroom when we were discussing owies on his legs. I said, "did you get your owies from playing or did someone hurt you?" and he said someone hurt him. There was a mark on top of his left knee that wasn't even just a bruise, it was more like a burn. Almost like a cigarette burn or something. It was a round bruise, but with a blue white center that was very dry and chaffed. I haven't seen anything like it before. I asked if he got it from playing or someone did it and he said that one was from playing.

He was very serious about someone hurting his legs though, and giving him owies on his legs. It wasn't from playing, when I pointed to all his bruises on his right leg and asked him about it. And he kept talking about "bathroom" when he was talking about it.

I also noticed a sort of chafed and red band above his diaper, on his back. I tried to get a phot but they didn't turn out. There was nothing beneath his diaper that I could see, but it was above the line and looked like it from either sitting in a chair for way too long, or something. I asked him, "Oliver, did you have to sit in a chair for a long time?" and he said "Yes". I thought it could be a lash from spanking but it was rough and different texture than the rest of his back--you could also see tiny veins beneath his skin there more, and it was definitely red. The whole part that was rougher was also pink. I think someone has had him strapped into a carseat for really abnormal periods of time or something. What else explains this unless it's from some kind of beating? It looked and felt more like he's been forced in a certain position for too long and it got calloused or rougher and chaffed.

When he was making up a song today, he used the word "spanking" in his song. Which is concerning to me.

He wouldn't eat his yogurt today unless I fed him by hand, which I did. Got photos this time and they didn't disappear. He wouldn't drink his juice part of the time without sitting on my lap or having me hold it for him. I look stern in those photos I guess but I am usually making eye contact with him and enouraging him to eat. Here though, I was trying to be sure photos were actually showing up and that I was getting the evidence.

You can hardly see the red band I was talking about, but it's sort of visible in the fuzzy photo. Also, some of my son's bruises on his right leg are visible. It's not a lot, but still strange that they're always on the right leg. Also, there are just 4 or so (you can only see 2 very well in this photo but there is more that didn't show up) and the days that my son had NINE and TEN bruises on his right leg, was the same time Sgt. Jerry Moore did nothing the first time and then claimed to get photos which only showed "two" bruises. I asked for copies of these photos bc there is no way there were only two when I saw nine or ten, and I see things accurately because I've been posting photos where he's had LESS bruises and I'm counting the right number, because I'm not delusional and see things correctly. So what I'm waiting on, is the photos from Sgt. Moore and Mathison, where they claim to have seen and photographed only "two" bruises on my son's right leg, when I counted out 9-10 in front of the visitation monitor and documented this too.

Man, I'm looking at these photos again and I can't hardly see ONE of the bruises. They're not showing up very well on these photos. But I think it's just the lighting. I have a couple of other photos which pick up on one or two but not all of them together. I don't know...will have to check on another computer to see if they show at all.

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