Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Movie Conversions

I have been trying to convert some movies from mov. to mpg. and it keeps getting messed up. It only consumes part of the bytes it needs to consume.

I am so tired. I just watched the video from visit today and I'm just tired. Took about two flexeril because i was getting a migraine. I was able to sleep finally and in the morning my eyes had the weird effect but no migraine. I didn't think I was due for a migraine but I got one anyway.

I am tired to trying to convert these movies and having them abort for failure to consume the right amount of bytes, and I'm just tired. I really think the flexeril killed me for the day. I am also tired of trying to figure out where all my shit is always going.

In D.C. my workshirts disappeared and then reappeared at work. I don't sleepwalk to work. I know they were stolen for a fact. So now this thing with my bra and underwear and shirts missing...

It's weird. I did NOT put them at the bottom of the suitcase. I had been wearing those clothes, and all my bras and underwear were out in the open. So someone had to have stuffed things into the bottom of the suitcase, and I don't really think it was me, in my sleep. I just don't. But why would someone take them and then put them back ? or why hide to begin with?

I have had clothes disappearing (and never reappearing for that matter) since the Abbey problems. The first time it ever happened was at my apartment in Tualatin and it was always my shirts. Never pants. To this DAY, it's my shirts. But the underwear stuff is new.

I'm exhausted. I don't even think I can walk home and I think I'm actually just going to take a nap in the park and lay out in the sun.

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