Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I LOVE Art (photos of my 2 paintings & me)

My true love. How I rebounded...These are photos of me and my 2 paintings I made after Exxon left. I really wanted bigger canvases, and more oils and I don't like how the blue one dried too fast (mixed all the mediums) I am with my small fortunes. This is probably some of my worst work, but I was using hypnotic vodka for paint thinner too...A new roommate says she wants to buy the blue one from me. She saw it and wants to buy it. What I don't like is the bottom with the white, I needed more white paint and wanted to spread things out a bit, but that blue one is on posterboard. You can barely see the words "legal calendar" across the top. It's not a canvass and it was soaking everything up. Also, the palette was wood which I hate bc it soaks it up. I prefer glass. Glass is great. So anyway, I wasn't very inspired and at the end just slapped the two paintings together and that's how they got the tawny marks across. They're dualities. But I want bigger canvasses and MORE PAINT (and can't afford it now). I've done some cool stuff (modern) in the past and I think I have some potential. But I need more paint and canvasses. I had fun though. I had to wrap my legs around one of those paintings, to express my love. I want to hear Madonna's "express my love" now. oops! i guess I mean I want to hear madonna's "express yourself" and "justify my love".

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