Sunday, May 31, 2009


I met up with my Pakistani friend and he was a perfect gentleman and tried to brainstorm with me but the job he had in mind wasn't going to work because my license is suspended for non-payment of tickets (half of which were not even true and which I wanted to contest but couldn't). So we thought of other ideas and decided to just keep phone numbers for each other.

The sailboat guy told me I could stay as long as I needed or wanted to, right before I left to meet the other one, so I decided staying here is best. There are two people here that I really like and "click" with, and it's got a beautiful view and I think there's potential for work in the area. Also, I think I could learn a lot here. Ideally, of course, I have my own place, or rent at least, pay rent, but that's the goal anyway and no matter what I did in Wenatchee, I couldn't get anywhere with it. It's safer here too.


  1. So, your license has been suspended but yet you were driving all over Wenatchee in a rental car (according to what you wrote on your blog), you drove in San Fran (according to your blog), and you skipped out on paying your rental car and hotel room (yes, I know, the guy was supposed to pay for those). Tell me, how is this all legal? (because it sure does sound illegal to me) Also, how do you expect to find a job and also see your son without transportation?

  2. don't believe everything you read bitch. i've said it before and i'll say it again, you should probably verify which parts of my blog are true and which are pieces of fiction before you make judgmeent calls on anything, including my mental health. thanks.
