Sunday, May 31, 2009


i got off the see-saw
sent you flying
but you looked so pretty
like a fairy
flying with that magic wand
shimmering with silver dust
didn't know what to do
except watch the way you
shot up when all around
were falling stars

turning the arm in
at the elbow
twisting hand out from the breastbone
the branch of an oak tree
moving into the shape of
winding ahead of the serpentine

"skylark, have you anything to say to me?
can you tell me where my love may be
is there a meadow in the mist..."
wrist watch off, no longer checking time
rolling up the sleeves, washing dishes
checking one or two things off of his list
she's in the corner, rolling around the
corner of the door, smile on her face
turning to the desk and window
knowing he will walk through an open door
with a bird on his sleeve
invisibility as a pull

that's all for now! i had a cool image of
boxing actually--punching a bag, but i don't
know how to write about boxing or have the vocab
for it. saw sharp jerky movements straight back
and then forward. level or head level. shoulder and head level

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