Saturday, May 23, 2009

An Insignificant Lucky Guess

I'm not saying more than this, but I had a very small, minor, lucky guess. I guessed that some people who came in for shots were from Seattle. No one had said anything about Seattle, but I looked at them and I knew they were from out of town. "Out of town" specifically, and then "Seattle" more specifically so I said, "Are you guys from Seattle?" and they looked a little surprised and said yes. People have been in and out of this cafe all day and I know some of the people were from totally different cities and counties. Even states. Lots of families with their older parents.

So, very small, but I'm trying to keep accurate and honest track of lucky or good guesses, and my wrong guesses too (like, I was wrong that I was able to guess the passwords of two networks I think).

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