Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ole Colombia!

I met someone who loves Colombia and has lived there a bit. Says it's depressing to come back to the USA because he could go out dancing 4 times a week there. White American guy.

I agreed with him, and we sat appreciating the Colombian culture. It really IS amazing in so many regards. No one knows how to party better, and all the partying I was involved with was clean and just fun.

I AM thankful I got to know some Colombians and experience so much with their culture. It was too bad I was sick most of the time because I wasn't as social as I normally am. I mean, probably, if Alvaro read all the witness statements from my neighbors in support of me, he and his Colombian friends thought I was a totally different person because all the Latinos were my friends and I went house to house visiting and being friendly and social.

It was just bad timing, that I was injured and sick, with how un-social I was. Usually, I think, I'm more fun and a better "neighbor" and "friend".

But too, I didn't know what the hell was going on sometimes. Really. Anyway, it was good to talk to someone who also enjoys the dancing.

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