Sunday, May 24, 2009

Weird Day

It's another sort of weird day. It feels lke I'm in D.C. again. Not with conflicting vibes or anything, but just...I don't know. Something is going on but I don't know what. And I've never seen so many vehicles with dark-tinted glass before, not in Wenathcee, and not in seeming sometimes unison. Okay, that sounds really weird, but when you see 6 SUVs all drive by with black glass...and then a line of maybe 10 or more, all dark glass, and then, oh nevermind. I sound like a nut. But I'm NOT! (just a little bit).

And a lot of painting songs today. lol. Which. What was really weird was hearing Erasure's "Oh L'Amour". Don't know why, but that is a very sentimental and historic song from my youth but I don't remember why. And then I've never heard Icehouse "Man of Colors" before but before I heard the words even, I almost wanted to cry. I really like "Wild Boys" by Duran and Duran. The Power Station's "Some Like It Hot" makes me laugh out loud. ...I don't know...I love all of these songs today. I like a-ha's "Take Me On". Never heard "Paint Me Down" but I really like it and "White Feathers" too. Ultravoxs' "Vienna" almost made me cry. right after I laughed at the "Some Like It Hot" again. That song cracks me up. I love the beginning with his beef jerky voice. One song came on and I saw a flash of P. Di. Hey, I just realized her name shortened is almost like P. Diddy. P. Diani. Anyway, that was random. So this song came on by Nik Kershaw "Wouldn't it be good" and I saw her dancing, clapping her hands, in a powder blue dress. I think tailored but I am not sure. Just a flash. like i was watching and i saw her profile, as she was dancing facing a different direction and I saw her right side as she was smiling or laughing and dancing. I haven't had anything else pop into my mind really. I would have no way of knowing if it's anything on or not. I haven't seen any footage like that, bc the only YouTubes I've seen are the ones of her interview and then with the kids when they were young. i like the "jetset" by alphaville. really like information society's "something's in the air."

i began to get that "good or positive connected to someone or something vibe" about 15 minutes ago. no, not mania. just that good energy thing.

wow. this song by Visage "fade to grey" makes me want to pick up French again. i don't know what she's saying but i like how she says it. I like Yazoo's "Sweet Thing" and see someone spinning round in this one. I really like "Question of Lust" by Depeche Mode. i like pet shop boys "new york city boys".. lol. how could you not dance to this? at least move your feet in your chair...i would love to dance to this at JRs. lol. i like "And You Tell Me" by a-ha. it's the first time i've heard it but it's poignant and sweet and to the point. too short for radioplay but that's a shame.

How beautiful...I love this Erasure song "Blue Savannah"...I especially like the piano rift in the middle. I love the piano in this song. So incredibly beautiful...Maybe it seems ridiculous but I like it, nevertheless. oh, I really like this one so much too..."Valley of the Mind's Eye" by Thomas Dolby. Gorgeous and I like this piano too. No, i just like everything about this one. It's a midnight blue song, i see everything in midnight blue. I like the lyrics and I've never heard this song before! So pretty. majestic in it's own way, for a pop song (i think)...very romantic. Oh! and this one too! "We Came To Dance" by ultravox. I think this one is inspiring and triumphant...winning the world over through dance.

For the last half hour or more, that positive energy again, like a lot of people are praying or something. I just sense it is very strong. I wish I knew how to describe it but, anyway, it's cell phone is dead and needs to be charged. It's 9:15 p.m. PST.

Liked this other one, "Doctor! Doctor!" haha. What I need I suppose. No, I really don't think so, but I do like all these songs tonight. They're sort of different and I've never heard them before. They remind me of star songs. Evening star songs. Oh this one is truly magnificent too: "Listen" by Tears for Fears. Beautiful. I don't remember pop (?) being so rich and majestic. Majestic is a terrible word though. I don't like it. It's sort of weird, but if you heard these songs, it does fit.

I swear, if I could explain this better I would, but I really think it's prayers. I don't think it's anything to do with what I've been listening to, reading about, or thinking's external but sort of that fire of, hard to describe. I am not more excitable or anything, and I don't know why I need to justify myself in this regard except for explaining it is not a "mood". It's someone with powerful prayers or more than one person. Or something like that.

I like the "Moon Over Moscow" by Visage at the very end with the louder sounds. And I forgot to list the other songs I like which I heard but didn't write down. haha. Telecommunication and DJ by Pet Shop Boys.

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