Thursday, May 21, 2009

"It's Not Happening GIRL!" (Jennifer Shoenwold's words)

she inserted her response into my reply, which was in bold, so I'll have to go back and fix this. She repeatedly says things like "i am the wife, not you" and "it's not happening girl!" and "the wife". How many times does she need to point out she's his wife? I am starting to wonder if there's a no-contact order women can get to keep jealous wives away from women who are simply trying to conduct normal business. This is ridiculous. And she is completely missing the point that I'm not asking her husband to do "research" for me but just to state what HE TOLD me in the vernacular. I'm going to include all my correspondence with them in this point so it's not misunderstood what I was requesting. Oh, I just tried to put what she wrote in bold, in bold here but it's not working. I'll have to work on it later. At any rate, I'm going to supeaona him. I didn't want to go to the trouble but I can't get a straightforward testimony out of him and there is no way I'm responding to Jennifer again:

Re: Leave Andrew out of your troubles.‏
From: Adnap Corporation (
Sent: Wed 5/20/09 11:04 PM
To: cam huegenot (


There is NOTHING Andrew can provide that you cannot get yourself with a little effort on your part. Stop being lazy, get off your butt and do your own research. You are trying to take the easy way out. As long as you can get away with the least amount of effort possible, then you are happy. Not our problem.

> There have been no "threats" on my end, just a request that I obtain an honest statement for things I was told. Okay?
No it is not "okay". Suggesting that you could force someone to testify in court is a threat anyway you package it. Especially when he has no interest in offering his services.

>and I've done nothing to make you feel you need to "protect" your family.
You will not leave Andrew alone. That is enough for me. You act like you are entitled to make demands on him for any reason. Not happening girl!! He is my husband, not yours.

>I hope this alleviates your concerns Jennifer,
Not in the slightest bit. It only confirms my concerns of you being as lazy as you are desperate and manipulative. Go be a victim somewhere else.

>Please let me know you got this email and tell me how you feel and what your concerns are, if you still have concerns.
The only concern that I have is that you are not getting my point. Or . . . you are purposefully ignoring my point in hopes of railroading Andrew into doing your work for you.

Do not think that I did not notice that you sent another email to Andrew regardless of my wishes. Who it was addressed to does not matter. What matters is the fact you are not taking me seriously. You will when I follow through and file that harassment complaint with the police.

The wife

Here is the email I sent to Jennifer, to try to reassure her, which she then tried to claim was another excuse for contacting "my husband".

Here is my email and the one from Jennifer which I was responding to:

RE: Leave Andrew out of your troubles.‏
From: cam huegenot (
Sent: Wed 5/20/09 8:09 PM

Dear Jennifer,

I am shocked you would suggest anything of the kind. I have not ever blamed Andy for any problems I have. I have only stated the truth--that I need an explanation of things he told me which I repeated, for verification ONLY, that I didn't make this stuff up. In no way have I ever suggested he is responsible for any problems or the outcome, in any way. I'm sorry if you misunderstood what I was writing. It is better explaining in person, as you miss my tone of voice in writing. Again, I'm sorry if I have caused you or Andy any distress at all. There have been no "threats" on my end, just a request that I obtain an honest statement for things I was told. Okay? I don't think you've ever met me before, and I regret this fact, because if you knew me personally, you wouldn't come to these conclusions.

I told Andy I will probably have to supeaona him to get a statement under oath if the judge does NOT accept a simple written statement. I have collected over 16 statements, Jennifer, in SUPPORT of me and my son. I told every single person the same thing I told Andy, that I prefer to get statements so I don't have to ask anyone to drive all the way to court for any of this. So my point is only to save you time and trouble, not to make any kind of "threat" and I'm not sure how asking someone to go to court is a threat at all. I haven't threatened to "sue" Andy or your family, and I've done nothing to make you feel you need to "protect" your family.

I hope this alleviates your concerns Jennifer, and if you'd like to meet me personally to see what I"m about, I'm more than happy to meet you for coffee in a public place.

Thank you, and my request is the same. At no time have I ever "harassed" or "threatened" your family and I hope you understand this through my explanation, but again, it's difficult to get the point across without hearing someone's tone of voice.

Andy's testimony IS very important Jennifer. It doesn't make him "responsible" for anything. It's simply an accounting for what I was repeating to others, okay? I'm so sorry this has been completely taken the wrong way. Please let me know you got this email and tell me how you feel and what your concerns are, if you still have concerns.



Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 00:24:34 -0700
Subject: Leave Andrew out of your troubles.


I am aware that you have had a tough time. You have experienced health issues and even had your son taken from you.
Instead of insisting that other people take responsibility for your tough time, I think that it would be more appropriate for you to shoulder it yourself.

Andrew has not told you anything that you cannot find on the internet yourself. He cannot play the expert for you. He does not have the credentials for the courts to take him seriously. There is nothing that he can do to help your case.

Leave Andrew out of your troubles. He has enough stress without anyone adding to it unnecessarily. He is not your golden ticket in getting your child back, he is my husband trying to make a living.

If you chose to contact him again, I will not hesitate to file a harassment claim against you. I will not hesitate to contact the courts to inform them of said restraining order. If you thought it was going to be hard to get your child back before, test me and see how far I am willing to go to protect MY family.

Andrew's Wife
Jennifer Schoenwald

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