Thursday, May 21, 2009

Threats By Andy Panda's Wife Jennifer

This is just getting bizarre. I got 16 witness statements from people in support of me, just stating the facts and giving the truth. I asked the same of Andy Panda, since his testimony regarding what he TOLD me is helpful to my dependency case. I wasn't and am not asking for him to detail exactly HOW microwave and magnetic pulse technology works, but rather to explain WHAT HE TOLD me so it is clear I did not come up with the ideas on my own. It should be something very simple and because what I was repeating, which he told me, was damaging to me without my being able to prove HE was the one who told me these things. At any rate, Andy Panda's wife is going ballistic, in an almost possessive or jealous way (as if I've ever bothered him in the past or come onto him) and claiming my requests to have him write a statement so I don't have to supeaona him are "harassment". I have never made any threats to Andy and have been on good terms with him but need a statement or I WILL have to supeaona him so I can get what I need from him, under oath. But she is totally going off. I am posting her emails which show these extremes, for my own protection. I tried to reply to HER concerns and then she claims I'm trying to reach or contact her husband again. I guess they're Mormon, and I serioulsy NEVER would have expected this from them. Andy is a nice guy. I don't know what the hell the problem is:

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