Monday, May 11, 2009

More Newly Stolen Medical Records

I drove to Oregon, after calling a woman from a former medical clinic, to obtain copies of my X-rays and paper diagnosis.

I called to see if they still had them as they were from my car accident in late 2002, which is prior to the traumatic childbirth. The full X-rays that were done show my pelvis and spine and tailbone are fine, not broken, and are not in a "degenerative condition".

They said they still had X-rays and that the Dr. reviewed them and was giving me copies of the X-rays with a letter from him, stating I looked fine and that there were no injuries. She said she would leave them at the door for me to pick up, with a pink slip to sign.

Since they're copies, no problem. I asked if they had the originals but said I wanted just copies.

And I told her to guard them with her life. But then she said she'd just put COPIES at the door, so it wasn't a big deal.

Problem is, I've had people trying very hard to cover up my and my son's injuries from childbirth, and people who want to say if it's not all in my head, which is clear now that it's not, from diagnostics I got on the East Coast, that hmmm...they want to say it's "degenerative".

There was nothing wrong with me in late 2002. Believe me, Farmers' Insurance Company got all the records and copies of the X-rays too.

The Dr. looked at my records again, and I asked the clinic, before driving over, if they were sure they saw no injuries.

They said the Doc reviewed them again and there are ZERO injuries.

So I showed up to pick them up and they're not there.

Maybe the receptionist forgot to leave them. There wasn't even a pink slip for me to sign that was left behind.

I am NOT surprised they were stolen.

Does anyone else believe me, now, that a large group really has had it in for me?

At any rate, I'm staying the night to get copies made again, in the morning, and to get a letter from them which will state they placed copies out the first night and they were stolen. This will show a continued pattern of theft of my medical records which is close enough to privacy violations, along with theft, and harassment.

At any rate, it proves the Wenatchee doctors were all wrong, and they knew they were wrong, and it proves all my injuries WERE from childbirth. My son was and is also injured and must be compensated for what happened to him.

What is also interesting is that the porch is up high on a balcony with an entrance of stairs that lead up, which anyone can see from the street or parking lot. It's right at an intersection, a busy one. Anyone would be able to see somone going up and grabbing the records. So who would take a chance?

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