Tuesday, May 12, 2009

So, so, HAPPY and LUCKY today!

I am so happy right now, I started to cry, and I am so lucky for once.

MY RECORDS ARE NOT STOLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!! She called and said she'd decided not to leave them out for me because it was a HIPPA violation and so she HAS THEM in her office and I'm getting them today!!!!!!!!

I was so freaked out but I maintained calm when I saw they weren't there. I figured they'd been stolen bc they're so important. I got a hotel room, with no money practically, just because I was hoping, praying to God they still had some originals or something.

But they have everything!

I am getting out from under this and my SON might get compensated now! by a personal injury firm. This PROVES I had no injuries or degeneration prior to childbirth and that therefore, my childbirth at the Wenatchee hospital was NOT a "spontaneous, natural, delivery" as they claimed, but one of SEVERE and SERIOUS trauma which injured not just me but my SON.

Thank you God. Thank you, thank you, thank you

I was thinking, last night, as I took a bath...Poor Princess Diana. I just kept thinking about her and all the medical records which were probably tampered with or stolen in her case. I felt I really know I'm going to write a book about her case one day.

AlSO, it was SO COOL to get yet another comment on my sectoral heterochromia post.

It's a scientific topic that I wrote about in a creative way. I really do like science and took some writing for science classes, or one, with the idea in mind that someday it would be fun to write for science but in an interesting and easy-to-understand way.

ALSO, I met this guy whose a retired pilot with a personal plane who can fly me to Maryland and BACK for all my evals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know what in the world is going on here.

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