Wednesday, May 13, 2009

MY ESP! and Paranormal Investigations from Court TV

Okay, I just wrote about my lucky guesses. But guess what?!!!

YESTERDAY, I wrote about how I guessed that one bartender was a video gamer. It is all I could see about him. Video games. And his response was yes, he played, but not a ton. NOT A TON? Okay, get this...I asked him how often and he said he played about 3-4 times a week, 2 hours per session.

Wellll...I just talked to his coworker a few minutes ago and HE said, "WHAT?! that guy plays every single night." He scoffed at "3-4 times a week." I said, my eyes wide open, "Are you serious?! Seriously, does he really? how do you know? are you sure?" And the bartender confirmed yes, this was the truth. That GUY was trying to conceal how much he played. But I stuck to what I saw. I didn't waver and I didn't change it. I just said, "I don't know. That's all I saw." This other bartender said, "That guy is a serious gamer."

lol. I'm tentatively testing all of this out.

Soooo...the other night, I was visiting Granny and she asked if I'd like to stay to watch a t.v. show. I can't hardly sit still with all the stress surrounding me. But I said, okay, maybe if it's something like an investigation on Court TV. It was forensic files, about a rope that led to the predator. The clue or whatever. I looked at the menu and nothing was next that sounded that grreat but I said "I wish they had psychic detective on, I want to see one of those." So, the next show that came on was not psychic detective but "paranormal investigation."

They were hunting for clues for the "zodiac killer". It was so weird. This man and woman saw all these things and even drove to specific locations and talked about full scenes they could see. Soooo weird! I said to Granny, "Wow. I think I have a little gift, but not like THAT." It was so "on" you DID wonder if they'd researched the story first. I mean, uncanny. But I think I can suspend disbelief because I know I don't make up stuff or conjure things. What I see though, is not full scenes totally, but glimpses into the past or present of the person. I very, very, rarely see into the 'future'.

When I get an idea and it's right, like video games, the concept just comes to me. Video games. I didn't see the guy at his computer playing games. It just came to mind, the words.

So, maybe this is something that could be useful in psychology. I don't know. I might be a way better psychologist or shrink than a lawyer. At least one who can see through the bullshit. Never really thought about it before because I've never had a psychology class, but I know my Meyers-Briggs.

The other stuff I saw about the man last night, who I first saw an image of a trailer with, but not in a trailer park, well, the very first thing was "undercover". I don't know what, but I thought this because of the way he looked when I told him I'd pegged one bartender here as being undercover and the guy said yes, liquor board in his teens, but I kept seeing something about the FBI. I couldn't shake it, and then he looked to the left, and he tried to dispute what that means and he blushed. I haven't seen him since.

WHY NOT?!!! what? The FBI has had their fill of their men falling for me???!

lol. just kidding. they probably pulled the guy and sent him to Seattle, in short time. They said to themselves: "Shit. She said he was blushing. We need to move fast before he goes down."

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