Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Abuse of Oliver, Wenatchee Police Corruption, and Special Interests

In the last two visits, Oliver has distinctly said he does not want to leave mommy or have mommy leave. He specifically said he wants to STAY in that room.

You should see the room. It's tiny. It's boring. But he would rather be there with me than anywhere else.

Today, it was very distressing when he got really upset and started screaming, agitated and upset: "Clean! clean! clean!" and I didn't know what was wrong. Both I and the monitor were alarmed. I didn't hear clean at first and thought he was saying queen for lightening mcqueen. As it turned out, he wanted a kleenex to clean his nose. But he was highly distraught at NOT being "CLEAN".

I tried to reassure him, telling him it was okay if he got a little dirty. He was sick and couldn't help it if his nose was running. EVERYBODY gets dirty honey, I said. I told him some people were cleaner than others and at the moment this woman from the Jewish league called to return MY call. :) But I was really upset, to see this in my son.

At the LAST VISIT, my son became very upset at the idea of my changing his diaper. He said, over and over, "No mess! No make a mess! NO make a mess!" It was like he was scared he was going to be hurt if he'd "made a mess". I never once had a problem with my son like this. Never. He was comfortable with his body and everything.

Today, in the bathroom, he was in the stall with me when I was pulling up my pants, standing up after using the toilet. My son pointed to my private area and said, "COCHINA!" cochina is the spanish word for "dirty". I have always taught my son healthy attitudes about the body. Nothing is "dirty". My son used to touch himself naturally, as a little toddler would, to examine his own body and my aunt and uncle and grandparents slap his hands away and tell him not to, and that it's dirty. This is so wrong and so unhealthy.

I thought, what the hell is happening at the Avilas. My aunt Holly is an obsessive-compulsive neat freak and her own family knows it. She'll come to visit and start cleaning other people's houses. She can't help it.

And all the bruising I reported on my son, looked like it was from fingers holding my son's legs or ankles too hard in a diaper change.

Oliver was also saying diapers were "yucky" after being distressed saying, "No make a mess!"

I am wondering if someone is abusing my son because they yell and freak out in anger when my son has a BM or cannot keep it in the diaper. He is 3 years old and refuses to potty train but when he was with me he eagerly went to the toilet with me and sat on the potty. I had already purchased a training toilet and he liked to sit on it.

The whole thing is tragic.

What's really bad, is when you have corrupt Sgt.s like Jerry Moore and Mathison, lying...for what? for their and their own friends agenda, and it's not like THEY don't know I KNOW what they're doing.

These guys are so corrupt over here it's not even funny. I'm sure a few of the officers know.

But concerning too, is how Sgt. Moore is supposedly in charge of investigating drug stuff. I've seen how he does favors. So what about favors for himself? What about favors for the STATE, on other matters which might unfairly be railroading someone who gets falsely accused or charged of trafficking or some offense they didn't fully commit?

I don't trust Sgt. Moore or Mathison at all. And anyone who believes me and takes me seriously, albeit with a grain of salt, should not trust them either.

I found out it's not even just my son whose abuse they tried to cover up, they were giving others the runaround too and disputing how burns were caused when the guy is 16 and old enough to testify as to who is abusing him and in what form.

I've noticed when Alvaro left, they all ganged up in the same way again, but it wasn't any safer with him,, it was just an illusion of safety. It's sad though, because the minute someone leaves my side, the people doing evaluations are no longer doing their work independently, but calling up CPS to "get info". I went in for a drug eval, independently, and paid for it out of my own pocket and the woman was fair and independent until a few days ago.

Part of it was accusing my housemate of being with my fiance. But I'm sorry, she may be a dear, but the facts spoke for themselves. He even admitted to it and then left the next day. She never hung around after that either. As for her being catholic or what religion, I don't know for sure. I know she goes to a Methodist church and knew that from the start of meeting her. But not everyone who goes to a particular church is really sincerely of that religion.

Religion and politics and lawsuits are all still a big deal. There is potential for corruption in all of it.

She goes to the same Methodist church which is in part ownership of the hospital I would be suing for personal injury to my son in childbirth. The hosptial is an alliance of Methodist and Catholic hospitals. They merged in the late 70s and have pastors and Board members from both churches.

She, my housemate, does translation for medical providers in Brazil. She goes to the Methodist church. She is sent out from the same church that had a part in the hospital I would have been suing.

So there are motives. Not to mention, why did she and my fiance know eachother before we moved in?

I strongly believe Alvaro works for the U.S. in some capacity. I know he does. I just don't know who it's for.

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