Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Oath To Myself, To Oliver, And To The Oppressed

I swear on the life of my own son, if I lose my son, and this country stands by after what has been done to us, and does nothing...If I lose my son, I am emigrating to another country. I am not just emigrating to another country to get lost either.

I swear on MY own life, I will work for another country, that knows exactly what's been done and believes me, and will be able to help prove I needed political asylum all along. And when I come back, because I WILL come back for my son, or my son will go to ME, I will come back to make sure Justice is done.

I will take back every single year I've lost and the U.S. individuals involved in trying to bring me down, will wish they had just cooperated and given me my son. People have spent a lot of time pushing, pushing, hoping I will break or that I will give up. What they have discovered, is that they have wasted a LOT of time, energy, and money on me when they could have backed down a long time ago and just sucked it up and handled the truth with dignity.

I am sure this doesn't frighten anyone and is cause for a good laugh. But I do believe in God and that God is on my side and the side of my son and that if this happens, there is something even greater in store. Sometimes God allows a situation to go so out of control or a person to be so broken down, that when the time comes for a miracle, the strength in the reversal is even greater and more astounding.

I do believe there is going to be a Reversal of Fortune.

I feel it and I know it, that God will honor my attempts to fight for people who have been beaten down, or vulnerable, and to raise my voice in courage even if I'm alone, and I know that should anyone take my son from me, God will avenge me.

Progress isn't made and new paths are not forged and the old road isn't broken in, without a struggle. The system is broken. People and government workers are corrupt. I could have gone along and allowed them to sign me off as mentally ill or shut my mouth to begin with, or I could have taken the longer road to ensure I obtained evidence I need. I could have kept my mouth shut to begin with. It would have made my life easier. But it wouldn't have made the world a better place.

Sometimes, you have to stir up the crud at the bottom of the pond, to get to the gold. Sometimes things get dirtier before they're cleaned up.

I have experienced more corruption, in my short life, than many will ever see, but because I learned it personally, I am a believer. I am a believer in others who say they never got a good public defense, and that they had enemies who wanted them in jail. I am a believer in the cruelty of humans, the possible sadism that feeds itself, and the ignorance and complacency of the masses who have no idea and just take what they're given, spoon fed. I am a witness of group think and political pressure. I am a witness of immorality and moral cowardice.

What has happened to me has not gone without documentation. What I stand up against ends up reflecting off of me. I end up being a mirror of the corruption of specific individuals and the failures and inadequacies of the system.

I'm not wasting my time in the U.S. trying to beat the swords into plowshares when I've been stabbed in the back too many times. I will make the bad who are in U.S. government wish they'd never messed with me, and the good will wish they had done something to hold corrupt individuals responsible to begin with.


  1. So why the f*** haven't you moved to another country, then, Cameo??

  2. I had boat shoes but no oars.

  3. I will add to my retort:

    I did leave earlier. I tried to leave with my son to Canada and we were forced to return to the U.S. I was also degraded there in Canada, and placed under false arrest twice, and forced to sign a false confession.

    After this, I was trapped to remain in this country. The means of trapping me was to interfere with my acquisition of employment, college (financial aid), travel, and passport. Torture, and driving me out of these things, has been what has been used for both psychological and physical hostage taking.

    I have tried to write to the UN and at first, it looked so hopeful--this great weight off of our shoulders. Then suddenly some U.S. Italian man is writing to the UN blackmailing them into inaction by reminding them who (the U.S.) is supporting most of the poor. So they tried to use donations and buying power or "the stockholder share" as leverage against investigation into gross crimes against humanity. Some of the people that Italian was protecting, are Italian criminals who work in U.S. government positions.

    Since I have seen what is happening to others in my family, I do not feel that after just one term in college, I have enough saved to be able to safely go out of this country if I could, and return to help my family. So after we were retaliated against, with my parents brutally beaten, and evidence destroyed, I tried again. The next time, all of our communications were shut down. My brothers phone, my parent's phones and computers, and my computer was permanently shut down.

    After I filed for habeas corpus and tried to appeal for my son, I was tricked by the FBI into believing I would have summer financial aid at a community college and they lied and told me this until it was too late for me to take financial aid anywhere else. So this left another gap of 3 months where I've had no money. This ruined my habeas corpus and appeal for my son, and the FBI and U.S. government knows it.

    At this point, because so many people are involved, and some have international connections, if I had financial aid, it would barely be enough to cover college and not enough, in one term, to go out and back safely and be examined by an international doctor. I feel it would be dangerous for my parents as well, if I were away very long.

    The best thing that could happen for us would be to have a UN complaint go through and to also have international doctors examine all of us. Like they are doing with Yulia in Ukraine. Any U.S. doctor my son has gone to, has lied, and the dentists that once said all of his teeth were damaged, changed their records and lie.

    My medical records have never been anything but amusement and research for those who have tortured me after they put military sponsored implants into my body in 1995 and then in 2006. I tried to obtain records and they refused to give me documentation.

    The entire time, I've been deliberately put out of housing and work and money so I could not access my records. Then when I had them, they were being deliberately kept out of the public legal file by corrupt public defenders and appeals defenders.

    I have tried to leave this country several times, and been obstructed from leaving, and that is my answer.
