Tuesday, May 26, 2009

In Response To Comments By Anonymous

I wanted to add,

I really apologize if you feel I took my anger out on you in any way. I am pissed, but I hope you know it's nothing to do with you. I think it is so kind of you to take the time out of your life to try to help and I DO believe there are people like you who want to help. I think the problem is that I know more about the legal system than most, as I've studied law on my own, and conversed with lawyers and have experienced firsthand how the theory is different from practice.

There are some very good laws, but no one to enforce them. Then there are policies which make it more difficult. And finally, there is a lot of greed.

For example, I SHOULD be able to get free legal services or help from these agencies you've mentioned and listed. However, what people don't realize, is that I have called all of these agencies. I was calling these organizations from the very beginning, and not one person would take me on or help. One excuse after the other. I only got "assistance" when my son was already taken from me and I was appointed a PD. That was after my own FAMILY backed out on a promise to pay for a private attorney. I didn't "stall" and wasn't trying to buy time. My family did this to me without notice and it was not my fault. I wasn't buying time to prepare a defense for myself either, because I was too traumatized by the state's removal of my son. I was most worried about my SON and what I knew he was going through. It was an enormous shock and devastation to him during his most formative years. Not only that, my son wasn't in daycare. He was with me FT and though we visited others all the time and had excursions, we were extremely close and connected. I had others comment on our connection as well. He was an exceedingly happy little boy. But during this time and now, I need a PD, and all I got was lousy half-ass so-called lawyers who tried to close me in with the circle of wagons in a small town they cannot survive without. These people here, can't make it anywhere else. They get away with 10x more than they would anywhere else. They were pulling eachother's hair, sucking eachother's lollipops, and rallying against the other town teams, since infancy and it's 4 generations deep. Then they grew up. They went away to college perhaps, but as the saying here goes: "they always come back". As adults they continue their allegiance & alliances as The Swingers of Town Hall.

So yes, Colombia Legal Services and every other legal service I've called, has a motto, a mission, and a creed to serve the poor. But it's a selective service and they only take the easy cases which won't require much work, so they can keep getting their non-profit status and nods in the right direction. And they don't take cases on behalf of the poor whom they don't like or whom they are possibly afraid of, for accountability reasons.

I have not just called the local legal agencies. I called agencies out of the area, but still in Washington and it's permissable for a lawyer, if they want to, to represent someone from out of the area, even as a PD. It's rare, but it's possible. I called them all more than once too.

I have asked Judge Hotchkiss, repeatedly, for a PD. I went to the courthouse in person three weeks ago and asked for a PD. His clerk Jo came back to tell me the Judge said no. He told his clerk to tell ME that I had to wait until this next hearing, which is tomorrow, to even REQUEST one again.

I requested a PD at the last hearing and I was denied a PD. No good reason was given.

I am now going to another hearing where I've been screwed over and need a PD to put the right documents into the record, but I go alone, because of...

Judge Hotchkiss

Real nice, law-abiding guy. Sorry. But really, should I lie and say he's great or that he's not corrupt? How would that benefit me and my son? Would I really get my son back if I flattered the Judge who knows already that he's corrupt and made illegal decisions?

The thing is, I DON'T play by their "rules" which are not even rules at all. To these people, it is more important to gain position and favors and recognition and have flattery heaped on them, than it is to exact fair and just decisions. What is Judge Hotchkiss getting out of this?

I can tell you how he and his former law partner have scratched eachother's backs more than once, in more than one way. I wonder too, where Hotchkiss gets his medical care? Or who he knows that works for the state and for the hospital and clinics?


  1. The fact is that you've chosen your mental illness and your drug addiction over your son.
    That is the reason he was taken from you and why he is now legally someone else's son.
    You won't get help, you just blame everyone else. It is not bad to have mental illness. But, it is bad to chose not to treat it and still expect others to play along with your delusions.
    Oliver deserves more than being stuck with a mother whom is so extremely dysfunctional and dangerous.
    He deserves more than your ego and selfishness.

  2. Anonymous,

    I have zero diagnosed mental illness. No one has ever diagnosed me with any disorder, ever. I had several evaluations for over several days and by 3 different people and the results were all good--this included testing. Then I had 1 evaluation by a state-paid woman for less than 2 hours that was not good and gave me no diagnosis. After this, the FBI gave a psych ward parts of my blog, after I was thrown in upon arrival for a broken knee and internal bleeding. They did zero testing in the ER. They took 5 minutes and 4-5 men (doctors and nurses) stood around me, tried to shut off my laptop and then took me to a psych ward where I was injected with Haldol, assaulted, and drugged, before one doctor had seen me to evaluate me. After they drugged me, they called me "paranoid schitzophrenic" and had no basis for it than to cover for their actions. They had not even evaluated me.

    So there is still, to this day, no evaluation, no diagnosis, and I have never been a drug addict. The State dropped their drug addict claim when they decided mental illness would discredit me better and knew I could prove through body samples that they were liars.

    Do you like me now?
