Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On "Playing Along" From Anonymous

Dear Anonymous, read my first response first. Actually, there are two responses. You do not have the facts. You do not have the evidence either. If you listened to what I told you is going on, which are simple facts, it is clear I have been "cooperating" even after I was railroaded, and instead the state has gone to great lengths to ignore me and stall for purposes of trying to terminate my parental rights. This has been their goal from the beginning. If I did not go straight back to Wenatchee after being defamed by them in Canada, if they were not sure they could nail me to their liking and justify and control the case, they were determined to have my son removed from me. From the first, the Wenatchee medical professionals avoided a medical malpractice claim. If they can't claim I'm delusional and mentally ill to invalidate my testimony for a malpractice claim, they will make sure I lose out on my statutes and that I do not get my son back.

I went straight to D.C. to get a psych eval objectively and the entire time I was there they claimed they couldn't do it, after ignoring all my calls and walk-ins, for 3 months. They didn't want me to get a psych eval by someone they didn't know. They knew they were in trouble and wanted to control the outcome.

If I had gone straight to Wenatchee, Canadian lawyers had already warned me I would likely be thrown into a psych ward against my will. The people in Wenatchee had no other witnesses to testify for me except themselves. They were claiming to know me and to be the experts. I spoke to other lawyers who said if I WAS diagnosed with "schitzophrenia" I would never see my son again. Sorry, but you're wrong about parents being placed with their children after "treatment". Schitzophrenia is not treatable, not enough to keep children safe. Bi-polar is also another one that parents are not easily reuinted with their children because of.

Besides which, I'm neither. If I am, how AMAZING that I somehow had the same pattern of writing lengthy diary entries as I do now? Wow...Schitzophrenia or Bipolar in my pre-teens! Because I happen to write a LOT and have a good imagination and write creatively and with emotion.

Not one person thought I was mentally ill on East Coast. I had to get AWAY from Wenatchee to save the remote chance of being with my son and PROVING I had been damaged and my SON had been damaged in childbirth and the Wenatchee medical professionals' testimony against me or "medical records" were tainted evidence because they were motivated to protect themselves against a very expensive lawsuit.

I NOW have solid evidence which proves I had no injuries before childbirth and that I had very severe and rare injuries after childbirth,, and my son has injuries too.

As for FBI and CIA and collusion or conspiracy, I have never made a broad claim like that. As for whether I've been approached and/or harassed by some who work for these agencies, there is irrefutable evidence. And you have your head up your ass if you think all of the effort that's gone into vandalizing my cars, breaking into my apartments, stealing my medical records from my apartment, stalking me, raping me, and sexually assaulting me, has been a coincidence.

Right. For SOME crazy reason, NONE of these people or incidents are connected in any way. I already have evidence of certain individuals knowing others in other agencies and using color of law to defame me and harass me.

And my computer NOW has a network administrator that is NOT me and which is able to disable and operate the system, for NO reason. I already had a tech look at it who said it's networked and he can't fix it because it's on fade-out, the box you'd have in bold to try to uncheck it. Just like the computer I got from the federal gov. guy who does contract work for the CIA, Steve Blum. That was networked too and a Chinese computer tech saw it all and he couldn't "fix" it.

These are facts, not opinions. It is also a fact that Andy Panda is the one who told me about magnetic pulse and I wasn't paranoid to imagine this up. HE is the one who was saying all this stuff to me, and then I found out, the same pulse which would be used to hack onto a desktop or toys that have batteries, WOULD cause speech problems in a toddler, because it causes the brain circuitry to misfire and specifically, causes memory problems and affects the ability to articulate speech. At the very same time, I quit having my periods. I have not had a normal period since. Last month, I had a period which used up one pad. That was it. My periods continue to taper down to nothing where previously I had had 5 day periods all my life and needed an entire box of products. There is no history of early perimenopause in my family. In fact, all the women have LATE menopause if anything. My hair wasn't growing anymore at that time and I noticed because my leg hair usually grows very fast and it wasn't growing back at all. And something was triggering seizures. My spine and back pain were disproportionate for my injuries at that time and when I did the research, I found out this actually happens with a strong magnetic pulse because different kinds of waves actually penetrate the body differently at diffeernt densities. It affects water, blood, bones, and muscles differently. I was passing blanched flesh from my vagina into the toilet. It wasn't bloody. It was white. It happened in Canada and was witnessed by a nurse who thought I was miscarrying but there was no blood. She thought it was odd and kept asking. I had not had sex with anyone since I became pregnant with my son. Miscarriage was impossible.


Then I have people trying to keep me from getting diagnostics for hormone levels, and that was in D.C. I witnessed, along with the staff, abnormal and numerous equipment problems while I was pregnant with twins. How I ended up with twins is another mystery because having one in the ovary is exceedingly rare and usually occurs with fertility drugs. And then I have people trying to keep me from getting hormone levels checked? and refusing to even do simple blood disorder diagnostics?

Then there's the MRI which allegedly showed "nothing"--no injuries of any kind. I countered that with a laugh, saying I must have been miraculously healed because I had x-rays to prove I injuries. Then I get another MRI which DOES show injuries.

I had to fight tooth and nail for treatment for the miscarriage complications. I was in labor for 2 months with my body hemmorhaging and having contractions. Yeah, that whole thing, until my surgery, took up FIVE MONTHS of my life but CPS's brighter than a sunbeam Michelle Erickson wants to claim I am purposefully stalling.

WHAT THE HELL WOULD I BE STALLING FOR? I asekd for a psych eval immediately upon arrival in D.C. That was a HALF YEAR AGO.

As for you, I wanted to be gentle and kind with you. But you cross the line when you stick your neck out, onto my fucking guillotine and start sassing off about how I'm so paranoid and nothing abnormal has been going on.

I am not afraid of being evaluated by anyone who objective and competent. I was once again, trying to get an evaluation from a woman in MD, who AGREED I could tape record everything. So there was a form of accountability for HER involved. Sounded fair. Fair is fair and usually the client is doing most of the talking anyway. It keeps the record STRAIGHT. SHE is the one who changed her tune and backed out last minute. Not me. It would seem that I am not the one who is "afraid" but that these

state-paid psychologists and CPS and state workers are the ones who are fucking "afraid". CPS in D.C. AND Wenatchee, ignored my calls and messages and VM for 3 months. Do you GET that? If they're so interested in my getting a psych eval, you'd think they would jump on that, wouldn't you? my ready willingness?

Let me put it to you this way:

If I had stayed in Wenatchee, I never would have had a medical malpractice lawsuit. I couldn't get the diagnostics I needed to prove everything. I would have been diagnosed as mentally ill and severely so, and had nothing to refute it with, which would back up my ability to make judgements about my body and pain levels. I would have also been tagged as drug seeking because the docs said I didn't really suffer.


I could have left Wenatchee temporarily, which I did, and even though I lost out on my statute for a malpractice claim, I obtained evidence that PROVED I DID have the injuries I've claimed to have all along. Which puts the testimonies and "claims" by Wenatchee medical professionals, into very serious question. It's serious. Period.


Anonymous said...

Are you afraid you might be labeled if you have an evaluation? Are you scared they will just use that as further evidence to take your son away? While it may seem that way, the opposite is likely true. If for some reason you are diagnosed with something, you’d only have to “play along” with treatment for a few months while you work your case through the courts. The court doesn’t have unlimited time, so you’d only have to play by the system’s rules for a few months at the most. Is your son not worth a few sacrifices?
The courts aren’t afraid of diagnoses like “paranoid schizophrenia” or “bi-polar” or any other major psychological disorder because there are MANY people with major psychological disorders. They’d have to lock us all up if having a disorder was such a bad thing. The court isn’t looking for the disorder so much as they are looking to see if you can be stable (in their opinion) by attending therapy sessions and taking medication if that is recommended by a shrink. If you can prove to them that you are stable, they will be much more willing to not only give you increased visitation, but they will advocate for you and help you with other social services such as rent assistance, job training, etc.
Having followed a few cases through the courts, not least of all my own, I can see with great clarity the path you are headed down right now. I don’t need to “know” you in detail, I know the courts well enough to make a fairly accurate prediction. As far as the court and social service agents are concerned, you are uncooperative, likely mentally ill, and doing everything you can to defame them and fight the system. They hold the power and they will use it. If you don’t find a way to play along somehow and change their perception, you will lose. I’ve been in a similar situation with the courts and it was not fun. I even had a high paid attorney, and things initially worked against me. Looking back on it, it took very little effort to satisfy their demands.
You have nothing to lose by just trying to play their way. There is no vast conspiracy going after you. They simply don’t have the time or money for that. The courts and social service agencies work with literally hundreds of thousands of people each year. They don’t have the time or resources to try to frame you, get people to spy on you, intercept your mail, use radio waves to hack into your computer, or any of the other things you’ve alleged. Your writings show that you are an especially intelligent person, but when it comes to the subject of FBI/CIA/social services/court conspiracy, you really make yourself look stupid. Those agencies are so amazingly understaffed and underfunded that they don’t have the resources to do their job half the time. There are stories about that in the news almost continually. To think they are going after you in some sort of organized conspiracy is just silly, and your musings about it just make you look dumb. The one exception to what I’ve said is when it comes to your son. There is a conspiracy of sorts to keep your son away from harm. Right now, they view you as harmful, and it’s up to you to change their view. By all appearances, you could choose to work with the system and start being a bigger part of your son’s life.
I hope for your sake that you are able to find a way to work with the system. If you don’t, you will lose more and more rights. Your son deserves to have you in his life. What you do will determine his future, so PLEASE stop fighting and find a way to play along for his sake!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with anonymous. Is doing what you are doing working? Doesn't sound like it. Do you have your son back yet? Nope. Are you likely to get him back doing what you're doing? Pretty Iffy. SO why don't you try doing things their way--something you have not once tried from the beginning??? Come on, face it, you haven't, not without slamming everyone you meet if they don't do things your way. This anonymous writer makes sense, and now you're slamming some wise advice because of your pride. That's pretty much been a pattern on your blog. You can't identify the people that want to help you from the people who want to hurt you. I hope you don't lose your son, but logic says you will if you don't play by the rules of the court, however un-rule-ish they might be to you.
