Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Questioning Alvaro's "Offer"

I haven't called Alvaro at all since I asked him to leave. He left, and he left in a strange way. I ignored his offer to testify that I didn't use substances and other things. I felt it was to get me to accept him in some way which might minimize the bizarre things that were going on which I called into question. I also thought it might be his way of trying to get his two cents into the process to use against me.

But finally, I decided, well, I am not getting back together with him. I didn't want to marry him, and I am not "friends" either. Too many weird things happen, BUT if I could use a testimony which is true, that I am not a substance abuser, it might come in handy.

So I emailed him to say okay, if he wanted to. I cannot trust anything else he does, but I can take a statement that I'm not a drug user and he said he didn't think I needed medication or "treatment" for any mental illness either. His words. But still, everything I said stands. What I wrote stands.

But which part? thats why no one can use my blog for evidence without validating from ME, which parts are fictional, which parts are purposefully misleading, which parts are lies, which parts...ON and on.

For me to even consider anything with him, I'd have to find out he was undercover or something major...to explain all the weird things that were going on. Same thing with Chris.

I think it would be a convenient excuse for the FBI to claim what happened with Garza and Bujanda never happened, and try to paint me as someone who made things up after the relationship was over.

I'm not like that. If I doubt my judgement, it is out of naivity or the desire to give someone the benefit of a doubt and a chance to explain themselves. If they don't have an explanation that adds up, it doesn't add up.

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