Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Neighbor Tells Me Police Were In My House

I had a neighbor tell me that the same day all of my things had been gone through, three police cars were parked in front of my house and were going in and out.

I don't remember if she said this out of the blue, or if she said this after I told her my roommate said my housemate/owner had gone through my things.

But she piped up and said, when I came home for lunch, there were three police cars parked out in front of your house and officers were going in and out of your house. I said, "Are you serious?" and she said yes.

It seems unbelievable almost, why would THREE police cars be interested in my house, and why would they go through all of MY things? I looked at the other rooms after seeing all of my stuff had been gone through, and no other room was disturbed. I had initially thought it was police because I was missing one of the empty prescription bottles, but all of my bottles and prescriptions are legal so I don't have anything to worry about.

I don't know why my neighbor would lie but it's possible? or she didn't see correctly? But pillows were overturned and my bags gone through. I wasn't missing my silk shirt though, I don't think but I didn't check. I know for certain that the black and white photo of me was there on the dresser, because I left the house that afternoon and then was with that guy I met at the bar where I was picking up wi-fi.

The photo was there but my things gone through, and then I left the house. I was out all night until early in the morning and I asked that guy to pay for a cab to take me home. So he did and I got to the house and couldn't get in. So I went to a neighbors house and she let me stay on the couch and told me this, about seeing the police.

The next morning, when I woke up, I went to the house and found a way in through an open window by taking the screen off. When I got to my room, I then saw the photo was missing and my windows shut, and my pink silk blouse was missing. I wasn't at the house last night. I didn't do any sleepwalking. I was staying the night at the neighbors.

The night that I went out with that guy he was known to people in town I think and police were waving at him but he said he was single and at the end of the night, after I told him to get off of me and I wasn't having sex with him, he was on his cell asking someone if his "girl" had called him.

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