Wednesday, May 27, 2009

State Filed All Documents 4 Days Before Hearing

I have to pick up whatever the state filed, because I didn't get anything when I was checking my P.O. Box for mail, when I would be expecting something from the state.

I got slips yesterday, for certified mail from the state, and one was mailed on the 23rd, last Wednesday, and then it was "ammended" two days later on Friday. Then it was a 3 day weekend where I couldn't pick up mail and I only got stuff from my box on Tuesday. So basically, I had 4 days total for notice of documents filed, and then only one day for the "ammendment".

It's not sufficient notice for making any kind of response or defense.

I am goign to object and ask for a new court date since the state didn't give me proper notice.


  1. You're so uneducated and disorganized that you can't spell "amend" or "amendment" properly.

  2. Yes, I don't have enough education and organization.
