Monday, May 18, 2009

Problems with Laptop & Issues CPS Created with my Son

I only got as far as posting the first photo that was still leftover from today's visit and now I can't post any more photos. I've closed it out and brought it up again but it's doing that same thing it was doing the other day, like when I try to send a command and it's not going into effect right away but is delaying. But in this case, I can't get anymore photos to post. It won't even obey the command.

Okay, now it's working again for some reason, after I made the post about it NOT working.

There is one shot of my son's right leg again, which has the fingerprint bruises again, and it's only on his RIGHT leg again. You can't see them very well though, and today there were fewer, not an entire 9-10 but more like 3-4, with some more that were barely visible to the eye and were fading. He also had a new injury to his left big toe, where at the beginning of the toenail his skin and toenail were bruised black/blue/purple. He didn't have it in the middle of his toenail or at the top but just at the crease where the toenail begins. He didn't say how it happened but referred to it as an owie. It's sort of a weird owie. There was no evidence of a toe stub at the tip of his toe and I had cut his toenails last visit, so how this newest injury happened I don't know.

The photos of him eating peanuts are at the top I think. He wouldn't eat any unless he could take them out of my hand. Right after he ate all of his peanuts, only if he could take them from my hand, he then refused to eat the applesauce unless I held a spoon to feed him and then he would eat.

Look at how thin he is. He wasn't this thin in my care. He's not been eating well ever since CPS improperly removed him from my care and others have not known how to accomodate his increased needs, by sitting down with him to encourage him to eat by any means necessary. With me, my son ate independently and my neighbors all saw this. He was happy. He had no problem eating.

But can you believe a BITCH like Michelle Erickson would accuse my son of being a "binge eater" because my son suddenly wanted to EAT when his mother was around? Did the BITCH ever think it might be because my son was in a better mood and comforted to have his mother around so had a BETTER FUCKING APPETITE? That woman, Michelle, needs to lose her fucking job along with at least 60 lbs.

Anyway, I took at least 4 photos of my son eating only with ME holding the spoon, and not one of them was on the laptop when I tried to put them online. They were missing and, like I said, they weren't at the end or beginning of my photo shoot. On this post, they ended up at top because I posted stuff out of order.

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