Monday, May 18, 2009

Son's Teeth

I will have to find the first photo I put up of my son, with the one digital camera that has bad resolution, because it makes it look like my son's teeth have no gaps or anything. This photo from the laptop is a little bit better because it shows some gaps, but you still cannot see clearly how his enamel doesn't cover his teeth properly. It's obvious in person and I have a really good shot which I took with the videocam but I have had problems whenever I try to upload it so I'll keep working on that.

At least this post will try to show how the camera CAN "lie", and how not all photos are exactly representative of the "truth".

It's also an argument for getting my son's back into my guardianship so I am able to sue on his behalf and have him compensated for his damages and for a tooth abnormality which two pediatric dentists said was only caused by a very traumatic childbirth, and, they said, it is quite rare.

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