Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Reminder For Mr. Scott Busby with WSB

I added this to my response to Mr. Scott Busby. It appears, at this point, the WSB may be more concerned about potential legal claims now that I do have some adequate evidence to prove I WAS NOT defended properly by either of my public defenders. But we'll see if Mr. Busby with the Bar is willing to accomodate for extenuating circumstances involving surgeries and medical instability or not:

RE: Address for My Case File‏
From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Tue 5/19/09 6:49 PM
To: scottb@wsba.org

Mr. Busby,

I should have added, one of my surgeries for one particular medical condition was done at the end of Feb. and I was thereafter in recovery for some time, and I did not even have attention to my other injury (herniated discs and aggravation from assault) until March. This is why I was not even medically stable enough to return to Washington state until April.

Please advise as to whether or not your agency will make accomodations if I am able to submit to you proof of these injuries which prevented a more "timely" reply and appeal.



Subject: RE: Address for My Case File
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 13:38:50 -0700
From: ScottB@wsba.org
To: cameocares@live.com

Ms. Garrett,

On January 30, 2009, I sent you two letters via email and US Mail advising you of our decision to dismiss your grievances. You were informed that you had forty-five (45) days in which to deliver a written request for review of that decision. You replied by email on February 5, 2009 and asked for an extension of that deadline. On the same date, I replied to you by email and informed you that you had until March 16, 2009 to request review. You did not request review. The decision to dismiss your grievances is therefore final and is no longer subject to review.


Scott Busby

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