Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Still In Want of Adequate Explanation from Andy Panda

I am still having a bit of a time getting a good statement out of Andy Panda, about what our discussions were over. For example:

RE: Statement for Cameo and Oliver Garrett‏
From: cam huegenot (cameocares@live.com)
Sent: Tue 5/19/09 7:29 PM
To: adnapcorp@gmail.com

andy, it's good except for a couple of things. for one thing, it makes me sound totally paranoid. i didn't feel i was being "watched" or "monitored" but only that someone or some group was obviously hacking into my computer. I also know I NEVER said my son's toys were turning on WITHOUT batteries in them. It would be IMPOSSIBLE for a toy to turn on without batteries. What I told you was that my son's battery-operated toys were turning on by themselves when my son and I were not even pressing buttons to turn on the music and lights. I asked if someone could operate a battery-operated toy, where the batteries were IN it but the toy was not physically turned on, and you said yes, but only by a strong magnetic pulse.

Will you please correct the part about my claiming the toys had no batteries in them? I never said this. the toys always had batteries and they were good batteries. But they were going off and on without me or my son touching them.

Finally, it DOES help if you touch on magnetic waves and microwaves, in particular, a little more. Remember how you told me you used to pull pranks and listen to your neighbors conversations in the next housse by pointing some kind of magnetic disc in that direction? Do you remember telling me that magnetic pulse was how a computer could be be picked up, when it was just a desktop?

We're not all idiots andy, and we DO want to know some scientific answers and the judge and other people are not going to be confused by details. I need the same details you gave ME, to be spelled out to THEM, because I was only repeating what you told me.

I also didn't say my headaches were caused by this. I told you I'd stopped having my period and my back and spine hurt really bad along with my stomach. The hair also quit growing on my body because I noticed I didn't even have to shave anymore. My periods have never been the same since. But at that time, they completely quit. They only started up again when I left wiht my son for Canada. And since then, they've been abnormal.

Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 17:11:31 -0700
Subject: Re: Statement for Cameo and Oliver Garrett
From: adnapcorp@gmail.com
To: cameocares@live.com

Dear Cameo

Find attached a letter I wrote for you. It is not long, but the truth, you should be able to open it up in MS Word or Wordpad and print it. I covered the basic of what we talked about. I hope this helps. going into more detail will just confuse the issue

Panda Computers