Tuesday, May 19, 2009

SOS D.C! Woe Is Me; Save Me From Wenatchee

I reaaaally, reeaally, miss D.C. Sort of, you scary people. One must watch their back in D.C., but everything and everyone is...usually, believed. We believe in the possibilities and the impossibilities.

I am at dead ends here.

I am listening to Nick Cave's "Red Right Hand".

At least in D.C., I really knew who believed in me and knew what I said was probably true. I know I may have had an enemy or two, but I was believed nonetheless. I know of a couple people in Seattle who believe in me, and some Canadians, and some Birch Bay people and some D.C. people. Maybe more! Yes, I know other people from other countries too. Having some support in Wenatchee I think, but it has to be quiet, but they all know if they say anything it could whip around, the long leash of this town, and snake around their own neck for the hanging parties they have here.

I just met a woman today who got a DUI and didn't have to go to jail for one whole year. I still remember the poor grandma who got sentenced, for a first-time repentant DUI, to one full year in prison. Thanks to Judge Warren.

It's really exciting in the other Washington. Let me fill you in on the two major headlines for today:

Wenatchee World headlines: Rivercom Calls In Emergency--for itself.

(Rivercom is the local 911 service).

The other headline came from the Seattle Times and read:

Bear Trouble: Agents Hunt for Elusive Bruin.

So we've got 911 calling emergencies in on itself and agents trying to hunt down bears in Seattle.

SOS. Mamamia! I think I'm going to listen to "Red Right Hand" again. Somewhere out there, is a capable protector and defender, I like to think. Some kind of civil secret agent man. Or woman. Both perhaps. And needed in larger numbers.

Thanks too, to the people still being friendly, in Wenatchee even, and giving me the hello and nod, like they somehow understand and believe me. Thank you so much. I need it (as you can see).

I am listening to "Red Right Hand" once again and all I can think to say, hearing this song, is "I LOVE YOU." God, I love you.

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