Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Revisiting Old Diaries Today IV

From a different Christmas book, where I only recorded Christmas and New Year holidays:
1994: New Year's Traditions.
None really. I always made a list but we never celebrated New Years. It was just another night for the most part. That depressed me when I was in high school. I never went to parties and I remember that my senior year Momm and Dad went to a party and I stayed home watching Kiri Te Kanawa on OPB. Actually, I do remember one year that (I go on about parties)...

1995: All I can say is, I've never been to so many white elephant Christmas parties in my life! In the last one I attended, I went with a guy I didn't know well from another church. I decided to wrap the wedding dress I had purchased at a Goodwill in Pennsylvania. I didn't tell my date what it was. Let's just say he was surprised. He kept asking me WHY I had a wedding dress. It was great.

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