Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wasn't Getting Cell Messages!

I am so glad I got my cell messages. I think they came through late or I couldn't find them. I might have a chance at a REAL job. I hope this isn't a really old message I missed, because it would be one I'd really like. Sort of with music in a commercial way.

So! If I get this job, and I hope I do...I could pay for all the basic things in life again and maybe have a little extra too.

I'm waiting for my housemate to show up with some instructions for things, so I'll type a few more things from journals and then I have to get moving. I was going to do all these chores but was confused about directions and I've never shampooed a carpet before, etc. So I'm going to try to get an interview scheduled for this job today, do some basic cleaning, and get moving.

These last two days I had a horrible headache. Not exactly migraine though. More of a throbbing headache and yet I haven't had any pot at all. I'm not getting migraines as much...which is really weird. I haven't been using preventative pot and yet...I wonder if it was the cortisone? I have no idea.

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