Monday, May 18, 2009

Rude Comments Deleted By Me

I need to be honest. I am not posting every comment I get. I WAS, until a couple months ago I got a really rude comment about my son and my mothering. It was just for the point of harassment and nothing else. I do post negative comments, but I draw the line over stuff about my son and I which are purely for negativity or harassment. I am even generally supportive of posts made to me that are harassing, but not where it concerns my son. So I am admitting I deleted or "rejected" one post I got yesterday that was harassing about my son and then I did this maybe once or twice before. Otherwise, I post everything, even hate mail.

I'm going to get my blog going on a forum where you have to pay a membership, so if people still want to read my stuff and updates, they will agree to pay a monthly fee. BUT, you can also post threads on this other forum thing. I'm going to be setting it up myself. Putting the domain name and server and then forum software together.

Very soon


  1. any thing for a dollar.

  2. if individuals like yourself wish to make posts, why shouldn't i get paid to listen to and print your shit?

    if i were you, besides, you may want to invest one or two of your own dollars in a grammar class.

  3. I certainly won't pay to read your blog, much less to post on it. I don't think anyone else would. Your life isn't that interesting, and your attitude is shameful. You don't own up to a shred of anything that matters, and you are so conceited and self righteous that you would never admit to being anything but right. Yet you have wronged your ex fiance, wronged your son, wronged your family, and wronged countless others besides. Don't believe me, just read YOUR blog! You also say that no one can judge you by your blog, well I disagree. Your blog reveals more about you than you think. Especially your responses to criticism. Please wake up and realize that the world does not revolve around you.

  4. dear ms. ally mcbeal,

    you of course could not be called a narcissist by your self important calling card. unless you ARE, in fact, the ally, well, it's a little silly perhaps.

    as for paying for my blog, you certaintly do not have to pay! my dear, think of the time you could have saved yourself in NOT making any response at all. yet you are compelled to make a comment and i didn't twist your arm.

    i have not been self righteous at all. i have posted negative things about myself that you would NEVER, in your wildest and most uninhibited dreams, reveal to another soul. i wear my faults on my sleeve, and if my taking pride in doing so makes me "conceited" then so shall i be, happily.

    your comments make you sound like a bitter woman who has nothing better to do than read other stranger's blogs, make judgement calls, and announce to the entire world YOU wouldn't "pay".

    thanks for your time honey. as we all know...

    time is money.

