Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Checking On Alvaro

Well, I've been wondering if he is being detained or in jail or something. I don't know. I told him if he ever was, I'd try to help. Even knowing all that I know, and I do not take back anything I said, I still try to be a woman of my word.

I could leave him there and not think about it after what was pulled, but I am not hard hearted.

Like I said, even though he did so many horrible things and played mind games, I still care about him. What he did was very wrong, and his friends and some of his family played me and I feel, tried to use me for their own interests, but I still care.

If I found out he was entirely with the U.S. the whole time, and pulling this, though, I wouldn't have much mercy because he should have known better.

Anyway, I tried to call Pilar Vellandia and Henry Parce and then I called immigration.

So I'm on the phone with Homeland Security right now and Baltimore detention says they have no record of him. So I don't know. For all I know, the immigration papers he showed me were just false and an attempt to get me to marry him thinking he needed a green card or that time was of essence. How sad if all that time he was trying to set me up or frame me and here I am calling on his behalf.

But I said I would. He asked several times if I was serious, if I would really try to help if he were in jail and I said yes, at least I would check on him.

Everything I've said about what was going on is true, but despite that, I still feel good about making good on my promises, even though he and his friends wanted to see me without my son and tried to keep me from getting legal recourse in Hyattsville, and other shitty stuff they did. I am not sure if they were ever on my side. But I have done my duty. I called and the woman says he's not been detained anywhere in MD. So he's obviously doing just fine. I did know the people at the courthouse knew him so I'm pretty certain now that he works for the U.S. in some capacity. Which is really sad, that anyone in such a position would continue to work with other U.S. people to try to do me and my son harm. It's sad that any part of the U.S. would allow this relationship to continue knowing what mind games were played and that he was intimate with me but cheating at the same time. I guess some people just get their kicks out of being sadistic and nothing more.

Mis palabras are mis palabras.

What would I do if he were in jail? Nothing really. I wouldn't change my story about what happened because it's true, but if anyone were harsh with him I might ask for mercy on his behalf...I suppose I would try to return good for evil.

I did my duty. I made good on my promise. I thought perhaps he called me later, the time I ignored his call, because he was calling from jail, so I've decided to see if I could find out and now I've done all I need to do.

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