Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Still Not Receiving Mail, With U.S. Post Office Box

I thought it might make a difference to get a U.S. Post Office box. But I'm still not getting my mail.

I have received one piece of mail from Wenatchee CPS and that's it. I have been expecting other mail and was told it was sent out but it's been weeks and I've not received it. One thing was a form to fill out for seeing a new doctor. I checked with them several times and they sent it out but I haven't received anything. So, my medical care is being held up because of it.

I guess P.O. Boxes aren't that much safer. Not if you have problems with some individuals who work for the government I guess.

I had thought the mail gets put into a box and it's sealed on both ends with a key. But the postmaster for Wenatchee showed me the office and took me in the back so I could see all the boxes and the back ends are all left wide open for receiving mail. But, someone who has access to the back can get back there and take mail if they want. Not only that, mail has to pass through many different hands when it's being sorted and processed and then delivered.

Knowing this, how the back ends are left wide open, I don't know why anyone in intelligence would put or leave or expect to have anything important delivered or received there.

I guess that's why people do the "drop" thing and leave things in special places. But what does one do to simply get their fuckiing mail?

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