Sunday, June 21, 2009

Advice On How To Control Me

If someone wants to develop a strategy against me and control me, I would think, decide what you really want.

When I didn't have my son with me and I wasn't acting as a mother, FT, hmmm...I dunno...I certaintly filed a lot of lawsuits, pro se, which held up for several years. I also maintained a 3.6 GPA WHILE I filed these lawsuits and WHILE I was working.

Having my son was the greatest joy of my life but having a child and injuries from childbirth, certaintly slowed me down.

Did I slow down, in the middle of pregnancy and childbirth and raising a child?

I still wrote about things, but I wasn't filing lawsuits and pdoing half the things I did before.

I am not going to "fall apart" if my rights are terminated.

What I am going to do is probably the last thing anyone would want or expect.

I'm gonna give 'em hell for a very, very, very, LONG time, and in some ways, my hands will be freed up.

My son will know exactly what I'm saying.

Is this what my enemies want?

Did you realize, domesticity is desired by the state and those who want to control others, because it keeps people wrapped up in their everyday affairs and TIED DOWN.

You can either give me what I want, my SON, fairly, and allow this to effectively temper my iniative, and time, OR, you can give YOURSELVES a gift that just

I get my son
or you
get me

and you don't just get me the way I am now, you get me unfettered, and with time and energy to start cleaning things up properly and I'm going to go after the very same people that kept me from my son.

That is a promise.

I have tried to do what I can do, to "cooperate" when the state workers continue to keep me down and lie about me and even prevent me from getting the psych eval they claim they want so much but don't really want.

This means, I'm going after the FOIA that I never got from the FBI, and I am going back to the Portland, Oregon police for what they have never given me, and I'm lining up my ducks to put EVERYTHING into a book, and I'll have time to do it, and that book will be published, in or outside of the U.S., and I really don't think some people want that information and documentation I have, out there for not just the public, but for the entire world to read.

So I would rethink the whole strategy bit. Unless, I dunno, this is just really working for you, and this is what you've been aiming for all along...ME on your ass for accountability until I die and my son chooses of his own free accord, to live with me and take up the very same cause I take up.

If you're expecting me to dissolve into tears, and end up in a psych ward, you absolutely and completely misjudged me and missed your whole mark.

Princess Diana gets out of jail too.

It's sort of counterintuitive isn't it? Isn't it a crying shame no one had brains to even THINK ahead to begin with? Not too many chess players in this game I'm afraid.

You could have even HALVED my initiative, by allowing my son to be with me and kept me focused on raising my own child. But while I've had to spend my time fighting this and I've worked at it, once you draw the line, I am going after


I'm not going to be spending my time stressing about this anymore, but instead, I will be going after every single individual who has been involved in trying to keep me down to begin with, and all of that documentation I've been talking about, all those audio files and video files, and copies of files you don't know that I have in reserve, or where they're kept,

that is ALL coming out of the closet, and the only reason I haven't brought it out yet is to give others a CHANCE to correct themselves.

Domesticate or violate. Halve my energies or not. It doesn't really matter what I want, but maybe what YOU want. What do YOU want? You want to free me up so I'm on your tail for decades to come?

You're already making your choice and yet you have never even thought about the consequence. You thought you could punish me and save some doctors from a medical malpractice lawsuit, but what happens when the whole world sees the documentation I have on all those medical professinoals, and state workers, and others who just LIED?

You're not going to lose money in a lawsuit, you're going to lose your reputations.

Instead, someone could have thought about how to divide my time and energies and keep me otherwise occupied in making a life for me and my son, which is what I've said I want, and I also said I wanted compensation for my son's injuries. All someone has to do is be willing to settle. Settle with a confidentiality agreement that the real evidence doesn't get released to the public.

As a mark of my word, I am going to be uploading and releasing some of that evidence in the next week or two. I'm not putting up all the stuff I have about the state at this point. But should they persist in lying and keep me from getting the psych eval and moving forward, and taking care of this, all of that, with all of their names and personal information are going up.

And NO part of my blog will go down and everything I've written will stand, but with clarification and confirmation on what parts ARE true and are NOT defamation or fiction.

The Abbey attorneys and the Abbey lied to a lot of people in their church and town, claiming I was trying to seduce their poor monk and that he had never even been interested in me. They didn't think I had letters from him still. They had no idea.

I would not say these things if I didn't have something. Why warn anyone about anything if I can't back myself up? You ask those Abbey attorneys if I'm good for my word on this kind of stuff. I have never lied about having evidence. I have evidence and it is damaging to certain parties.

You can go after me, but enough people in the public are onto what's going on. When the records and audio come out, and I blog about this and am able to point out a place to look for my sources and evidence...what kind of condition do you think reputations will be in?

I think some people, from lawyers, to Judges, to medical professionals, to police, to state workers, are going to lose a little bit of "credibility."

But of course, they can all decide to turn this around at any moment and try to give me something I want in return for me off of their backs.

They can't even come up with a psychologist to give them what they want.

It sucks, doesn't it?

It sucks when your plans don't go according to plan.

And no, I won't be staying in Wenatchee to visit my son and waste my time here going nowhere. My son will understand that his mother had to leave, again, to take care of some "business" so I'm not divided in my time and energy. And when I come back, I promise you, no one who has been screwing with me in Wenatchee will like it very much.

I'm not going to be hanging out on the fringes, kneading my hands, and trying to get a minimum wage job in Wenatchee just to visit my son when I'll never get out of this hell hole by staying here and my own son and everyonoe else knows it.

Then again, Wenatchee could reconsider their strategy and engage me into a legitimate parenting role which will effectively make it impossible for me to ever get away or to ever come back at them as an EMPOWERED activist.

I will obtain each and every name of each and every medical professional in this town that lied and screwed with me and put their names up online, alongside my documentation which shows what they did to me and my son. All the Xrays, MRIs, and everything. The alpha and omega. I suppose they'll still find work in Wenatchee, but no one anywhere else will have any respect for them, and not only that, I highly doubt that many people, new patients especially, will want to go to them. I also don't think most people in Wenatchee will view them with high regard when they finally DO see the evidence and how I was retaliated against.

I personally don't think it's a smart move, to continue to harass me.

But Wenatchee has their own way of doing things, clearly. I would get the advice of someone bigger city and more cosmopolitan than Bullivant Houser or any of their comrades. But I suppose that's not what they want. They think this is going to be easy. It's not going to be easy. Wenatchee and state workers have made a MESS of this and this is just the beginning.

I'm going to continue to fight for my son, and do what I can do. But should the state choose to continue blocking things and holding things up, and really terminate my rights, they will probably wish they hadn't in the long run.

I think CPS and Wenatchee has sort of lost sight of what they really want out of this and what their objectives are. They've gone after ME and wanted to spitefully punish ME so badly and do anything they can to HURT me, they have actually even lost sight of what THEY really want out of this. It's like putting out that piece ahead of me, out of an impulsive desire to take my man and see me cry and yet in their haste and anger, they forgot to guard all the other pieces that I am sneaking up on in the corner they lost sight of.

Small town justice is just that...Small.

We'll see though. This has never been about my son's "best interests" because his best interest was and is to be with me and I have plenty of witness statements to confirm this. My son wants to be with me, not the Avilas.

Like I said, domesticate me, which is what I ask for, or free me up to show you how I plan to put some of you out of jobs.

I will begin collecting all documentation from Wenatchee and Chelan county police and start putting things together that have happened in this town, and get all the records through FOIA and line things up.

1 comment:

  1. What did you do to your son or yourself that caused you to lose custody of your child in the first place?

    Is that event related to one of the 19 entries found on the washington courts website( when a search is done on your name?

    Talk about that event a bit. Maybe it will put things in persepective for all of your blog fans?
