Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wenatchee's Colonial Vista Screws Over Employees

If you want more of me, more of what I will be like without my son with me...With nothing to lose, here you go...

From what I hear, directly from the mouths of the employees, is that Wenatchee's Colonial Vista is screwing over their workers and CNAs on hours.

I think we need a King County law firm Wenatchee.

The former employees of Colonial Vista are too afraid of retaliation to say anything. They're just quitting, and not getting paid for hours upon hours of work they are refused payment for.

One example:

A 19 year old woman who worked as a CNA at Colonial Vista was getting 80 hours a week of work. Colonial Vista then cut her hours to 50 a week, through her paycheck. She was getting paid for 50 hours when she was still working 80. So finally she talked to them about it and they denied it but both sides knew what was going on. So, she told me, she started bringing a ledger or planner to work to keep track of her hours and they refused to sign off on it and told her she couldn't bring it to keep track of her hours.

So she quit. She never got paid for all of her work. I asked why she didn't get an attorney for that, because it was illegal. She knows, but doesn't know if it's worth it. She's afraid of paying some lawyer and then just not getting much out of it and being retaliated against or having a hard time getting work somewhere else. But this young woman has a legitimate claim and should be compensated.

If it happened to her, it has probably been happening to others but maybe they didn't think to bring a ledger to work to document hours.

Sounds like a class action to me.

Sounds like something I would take, if I were a civil rights attorney on Wenatchee's ass. Oh, oops. Did I swear again? Sorry. Sometimes, even in my newly rehabilitated christian state, it slips. Can't help it when I hear about "S---" like this and you know stuff like this is going on all over the town.

I guess I could keep my mouth shut, if I had something to lose. But with my son out of my care...What exactly is keeping me from saying anything and everything? I suppose I could keep my mouth shut and find some kind of incentive if I were properly domesticated.

I wonder which Wenatchee law firm represents Colonial Vista?

You should see this young woman they screwed over too. Any jury would absolutely love her. She's darling. Very innocent, sweet, and actually, very beautiful. Doe-eyed with a very shy smile. Just a natural, uncomplicated, and sincere young woman doing her best to care for the elderly in her chosen profession as a CNA. Being a CNA is back-breaking work and she is only 19 years old, taking this on, and working 80 hour weeks, and the young woman respectfully asked to just keep track of her hours so she could be paid for her hard work. She's 19, trying to make her way in the world, and getting screwed over. I don't think it's right, personally.

I recently talked to another woman who works for the state. Yeah, state of Washington, and she's getting screwed over too. She's promised 80 hours and they've been cutting her hours down when it's outside of the contract. But she's another story.

People will keep talking to me and I will keep telling their stories.

Of course, someone could just help me to get my son back. I don't know. If my son was with me, I might think, "Well, I've got something to lose, potentially. I know what happened LAST time, so I think I'll keep my mouth shut..."

Right now? I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place with little room to move. It's like the state has already taken my son and given me nothing to lose. They could always change their minds and put their heads together with local police and think about what they really want to acheive in the long run.

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