Sunday, June 21, 2009

Music For The Revolution

Against Me! "Baby, I'm an Anarchist!" This is a really, really, good song. I don't know what genre, but I like it musically. I am not listing it for the lyrics as much as it's one of those screaming seemingly disorganized songs that rocks.

I also like Billy Bragg. Billy Bragg is great.

I think, considering my last post, that there is going to be a lot of corporate misbehavior in this economy. We ended up here because of corporate greed and lack of accountability and then I think there is going to be the temptation to screw employees over more now that times are a little tougher for everyone. So some people will try to cut corners more than ever.

HHAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhha...The funniest thing I've heard in a long time:

Dana Lyons "Cows With Guns." Hilarious! This makes me laugh out loud. Everyone should hear it.

I like Willie Nelson & Calexico's "Senor (Tales of Yankee Power)". This is one that's sad but also inspirational and I like the blend of Willie Nelson with the Latino singer and music style. It sounds really good together.

I like Common's "Sixth Sense" too. And Albert King's "Firing Line". I like the clip from a courthouse interrogation on "Makeshift Patriot" by Sage.

Here's a song for the ADA woman I encountered when I made my complaint in D.C.: "Government Center" by Modern Lovers.

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