Sunday, June 21, 2009

Company & People's Names Appearing on Google

Wow. That stuff goes up fast, doesn't it?

The article I just wrote, about Wenatchee's Colonial Vista, comes up when you type in "Colonial Vista". At the top of the first or second page.

I guess I can see where this is undesirable.

I guess I can understand why people want me to take some or all of my blog. I guess I could agree to this, under certain conditions.

Hmmm. I can see where I've made a lot of people unhappy but at least I've never defamed anyone. In the legal sense of the word, I've not defamed anyone.

But yeah, I could see where it would be a goodwill gesture for me to take down my blog. Everybody wants something.

Guess what I want?

How will we work this out? It seems like the state just doesn't want to work anything out at all. What do they need? Some kind of reassurance I am willing and able to quit writing?

I guess I could do that. But I'd have to see some good faith effort on the part of the state too. You know, like, scrap the lying about me and pressure to the visitationn monitor to lie about the content of the visits with my son. His bond to me is not broken. I keep trying to get more visitation too, and all the state's "picks" for psychologists keep backing out of evaluating me. So that's been a significant hold up which affects the rights of me and my son.

I guess I should call some attorneys in King County to let them know about Colonial Vista and see if we can round up some representation for the CNAs and other employees who are getting screwed, and then check in with CPS on Monday and see exactly what they want from me at this point.

I've been bending over backwards, and I don't need people flat-out lying about me in retailiation for my telling the frank truth.

Could I change? Definitely. But I would have to know there is something to change for, and the only thing or only one I would change for, would be my son, to have him in my custody, and I'm not going to change what I say and do, for nothing.

Boy...This really doesn't look good though, the google search stuff. It really IS quite shocking, how an everyday ordinary citizen has the power to publish.

You could always sue me, but there are no grounds for lawsuit unless you can prove I defamed you and that what I wrote is not true. And I don't make it a practice to report things falsely or lie about others to harm them. So I think I'm okay. But yeah, I think Colonial Vista should probably consult their attorneys about distributing some backpay. And I could certaintly help a few people out by taking my whole blog down huh!

Hmmm. I've got a lot of people's names out there. From Thebaults, to Roses', to some FBI individuals, and ADA, and nuclear energy and uranium guys, to Portland, Oregon and Wenatchee police, to state workers...Whew!

I wonder why it's been such a struggle? Man, and then Wenatchee medical professionals on top of that. Even Judges, Oregon AND Washington state!

But you know, I'm sure NO ONE wants revenge. I'm sure no one is deliberately trying to punish and discredit ME for what I've written. I'm positive.

Wow. If I were at the top of a Google list, for something I actually did wrong, I would really want the author to be some kind of criminal or mentally ill or SOMETHING, so people might not believe what has been written. You know?

I guess the next thing I'll do, is put up a post of all the psychologists who believe I'm not mentally ill like the state wants to claim I am.

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