Saturday, June 6, 2009

Art Walk...

I forgot to write about this. I didn't see much, because it was my fault I wasn't ready in time. I didn't know there were time limits. I mean, I sort of thought it would last until late and for a few hours.

But it didn't, however, I did get to see the art of two artists in the "gay area" of Seattle. I forgot what it's called but I was just there. I didn't know what I thought about the art and then, I realized, sometimes it's not that you'd put it on your wall, but that it moves you in some way. And I felt a connection to some of it and almost had tears in my eyes. So it was good at emoting.

There were the words, "I can't be what you want me to be" on the wall, very large, and for some reason, it stood out and I don't know if it was the choice of type or what. Then, the other one I liked, maybe the most, was this one that was just print and it started out, in black ink on white paper: "I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay." and then the lettering got closer and closer together and the words changed to "I'm not okay, I'm not okay" until the letters were so tight they formed a border and an edge. I thought it was highly intelligent. It went from one side of appearing open and breezy and saying "I'm okay" to getting crowded and pressured and closed in but then more honest in that contrast. It was a really psychological piece.

I just tried to type in the "I can't be what you want me to be/seattle artists" and found a write up! here it is.

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