Saturday, June 13, 2009

"Car Theft" & Part Of Letter To My Son From Jail

It went from Auto Theft to something in the second, "taking car without permission", but permission WAS given or I wouldn't have been driving it. I asked him on separate occasions and he said it was okay. Then he turns around and lies.

I think this is accurately called "being set up".

If I wouldn't allow Alvaro to "take" a pillow from a hotel, I certaintly wouldn't take a car without permission, which is the same things as stealing.

I think an excuse was being made to just jail me and keep me from getting other things done which I needed to do, just as this was what happened when I was first falsely arrested by Wenatchee police a few years ago. Ms. Duke was in charge then too.

At least this public defender and the Judge were fair in letting me out. Still, I think this is just proving my entire claim that there have been people who want to do away with me and purposefully disrupt my life. I think some of them are bribed.

This is something I saved, which I wrote to my son from jail:

"I am in jail for something I didn't do--I was set up. I think more than one person was involved and I know this will affect my ability to get my son back. Oliver, to you ALONE I am sorry.

Someday I hope you read these letters from your Mama and understand how hard it has been. I have tried to be true to myself and to speaking up for the truth, and to be good for you too, but people want to punish me.

I am at the end of the line, offering to have a psych eval done by anyone and I am confident I would win, however, at the last moment, I am thrown in jail on a bond that is low but which I cannot afford. I don't have any support. I have silent supporters and that's it. I feel I have let you down Oliver. I am sorry.

I thought I could fight this, and all the lies, and come out victorious, but it's not happening, even when I attempt to put my best foot forward, against the odds.

I am about to go for arraignment and know I won't"
This song "A Singer Must Die" by Jennifer Warnes, is a little creepy. It's written by Cohen and it's good, but a little creepy.
That's as far as I got. Then I was going to arraignment and heard a totally different story from the report than what I was arrested for at the time. Everything kept changing and keeps changing.


  1. Personally, I think you're fucking insane....

  2. Thanks for the comment Sinner! I wish I could say iron sharpens iron but there's not much there for me to sharpen my claws on. Other than, why the hell write to someone you believe is insane?

    If you want a pen pal and are drawn to those who are "insane", or feel led to make criticize those whom you MUST feel are literally and truly "nuts", you could always look up the nearest psych ward and start harassing patients, and then get your slapped for harassment.

    If someone thinks another is "insane" they don't bother to write to them, or waste time insulting them.

    Therefore, I think you may have some psychological issues you could get sorted out, and fast, before your mother calls you in.
