Saturday, June 13, 2009

American Reporters Detained In N. Korea (image?)

I guess I'll document this, but I don't know if it means anything or not. After I wrote down the image I had of myself or some woman being pushed into the dirt by police, I then looked up information on the women jailed in N. Korea for the first time.

For some reason, I wondered if what I saw had anything to do with them, because I had been thinking about them and reflecting on their circumstances, that same evening I was arrested. I told the bunkmate about it, that I thought about them and then I reflected on this myself.

Then, right before I fell asleep, I had the first image which is the only one I remember, out of a series of images, and it was of me, I thought, but I thought maybe it was like I was "in their shoes".

I saw long dark hair that was straight, and knew it was outside in the dark and that the woman was pushed into the dirt. But it was like it was me. And the police were wearing black. It wasn't blue or other colors, that I noticed. But I'm not certain. I didn't notice colors on their attire so maybe that's why I think black.

What I thought was interesting was that I had not read or heard ONE thing about these women until the afternoon before I was arrested. I then heard about it from the guy I had lunch with who told me about nuclear information on U.S. experiments that have been recently conducted, which could certaintly fit descriptions of what happened to me and my son and things I described.

So I asked him what was happening in the world, because I haven't been keeping up. And he told me about the American reporters who were arrested and jailed in N. Korea. He didn't say where it happened and I didn't hear details of circumstances.

But then, I was writing about the image I had, and started to wonder if it fit what happened to either one of those women at all. So I looked it up and saw they were arrested outside. I don't know what time of day. I looked for information as to how they were captured...was one pushed down? arms yanked back that way? I don't know. But I wondered.

If it wasn't about them, I wondered if it was just a regular dream sort of thing about myself and just a reflection of my own problems with police, or if someone else had been through this, from Wenatchee.

I'm not making that much of it, but I just wondered. Some of the things I've guessed have been accurate and about something specific and other times, it means nothing, so I like to find out. What's strange too, is that before I read they were captured outside and everything, I didn't see a river in my image at all, but when I was thinking about it again, the idea that they were by a river came to my mind, before I ever looked up the news on them.

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