Saturday, June 13, 2009

Live Music (will find group name)

I'm listening to a quartet, one who has...hmm...I think I should NOT be a music reviewer. I don't know what kind of drum that is...She holds it up on her lap and uses a rapping rolling motinon with this small rollingpin thing. Then there's the penny whistle, and the mandolin? and a regular acoustic which is silent at the moment. So far, they're so-so, but it's at least nice music melodically.

They say they played a lot of Irish music recently so tonight they started with an English folk song and then they're moving to Scandanavian songs and, finally, Scottish war songs.

The English has a refrain which goes: "...So roll out the roll cart and roll up your sleeves--Jordan is a hard road to travel I believe."

There is at least one English woman here. I heard her accent behind me. A woman with a New Zealand shirt too and she SORT of looks like she could be from New Zealand but I don't know.

Oh, they play multiple instruments...they've a fiddle and some other drums and guitars and flutes.

They're warming up I think. Musically, they're getting better. On an Irish folksong: Down by the greenwood side? it's about boy meets girl and they fall in love and then discover they're brother and sister.

Now we're onto the Scottish war ballads. "...See the white rose in his bonnet, see the banner...Danny's ___since she gone away" a LOT of names in this song.

Another one, and I think they said Spanish? but it doesn't sound Spanish, no definitely not. I can't hear the words very well. It's a little hard to decipher, but now they're doing a Scottish love song which, they said, is vastly different from an Irish love song (where someone might die), "pebble to the bottom...?...

That's all I caught. It's nice to hear and they're doing a great job but I cannot understand all the words. It's not really they're fault, maybe the mics muddy it up a little bit.

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