Saturday, June 13, 2009


I sense a lot of contradictory energy tonight. Not in the room here. I think it's outside of this room. I feel it's long-distance but I don't know who it's coming from. But I do know, it is long-distance.

I think it is a man. I don't know why, but I do. Someone who I connect to. I've often wondered if it could be my son but when I got this sort of energy I would check on him and it didn't seem to be true.

I was getting a very positive vibe, very strong, about a half hour ago or more, maybe an hour ago, and then just down, but I felt FINE personally, and then I sensed someone is just very miserable and sad. Someone wants to speak to me or there is something negative that is keeping this person from speaking to me, fear of me or what I might say or fear of what others might say, or malice from somewhere else, or something.

I sometimes haven't been able to pin-point what this is, but I think I know. I don't know who for sure, not for sure, but I know this is a connection with someone.

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