Saturday, June 13, 2009

Erickson Stalling on Psychological Evaluation

I found someone willing to do the psych eval, who is in WENATCHEE, which should make Wenatchee happy, and who is willing to do it ASAP.

I think he and I are totally different personality types, so I don't expect him to understand me and my life, and it's more nerve-wracking knowing he doesn't understand. He was somewhat dubious about some of my claims until I explained some things and then still he was careful. But, he'd just met me. I think he would TRY to do a good job. I don't think he believes everything I tell him and he's a little bit reprimanding, saying he thought my problems were due to the proverbial "doth protest too much". Quoting Shakespeare, he said. But I won't write any details about him because if he doesn't want me to write about him, I won't, and I'll sign a confidentiality thing with him if he wants one, thereby sealing my lips from writing about him here.

However, while I think it's a little bit of a mismatch in personality, I didn't find him offensive and I think part of it is just being from different kinds of worlds and having different experiences. Maybe too, he doesn't share my "activist" sentiments or beliefs it is sometimes necessary or GOOD to "protest too much" if there is protesting to be done.

I mean, come on! ;) It's very, very, difficult to tell a "protestor," "doth protest too much." :)

At any rate, I think his principles may be intact, or I hope so. My hope is that he's really got some integrity and I do think he wants to help.

So he tried calling Michelle Erickson a week ago and she never returned his calls. Which is typical, because I think it really comes down to just delaying forever and stalling so the clock keeps ticking. I don't really think CPS WANTS a "psych eval" anymore. I think they know I have too much hard medical evidence and contacts and statements to back myself up with, and I'm sure they know my MMPI and any other tests will come out totally normal.

BUT! I am doing anything and everything, after all the attempts to ignore me and stall and delay, to bend over backwards to DO this and I'm still having problems with them.

This psychologist said he's willing to squeeze me in. I feel fortunate about that and told him we could at least make the most of it and I wouldn't bore him to death. We had a decent short chat.

He said he'll do my evaluation THIS SATURDAY, he thinks it's possible, as long as the STATE gets back to him, which they've not yet done, even though Michelle has been in the office.

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