Saturday, June 13, 2009

Writing About Butterflies & Puppy Dogs

I have decided,

It is time, to put all things of the past aside, and all negativity of the present and the future, and begin writing about only "butterflies" and "puppy dogs" and while it may be prudent to write some facts, I am more than willing to QUIT writing about what happens in this town of Wenatchee, and all those therein,

If they are willing to abide by the law and what is morally right, and return my son to me.

I am not only willing to quit writing about Wenatchee people, I am also going to quit writing about any kind of corruption or misbehavior at all.

I have been wrong to write my book preparations and creative writing exercises down as well.

Also, wrong to write so much about my son, though it was done out of a desire for public information and awareness of the need of his restoration to me and for his protection.

But all things, I am willing to put aside.

Thou dost protest too much?

Okay, I lay down my mantle as activist.

I will keep my mouth shut about anything and everything, and will not write about people and organizations, or keep tabs on things, and you know what?

I won't even SUE anyone or threaten to sue.

My lawsuit days are over.

I just want my son, and if what is desired in return, is my oath to keep my mouth shut and not to sue, then that is what I'll do.


So, in my good faith effort to demonstrate how I've "changed" and "made progress", I am no longer publicly posting anything unless it's light or unless it's facts for something which is really bad if it comes up. Otherwise, I won't write about anything.

I'll forgive others too, for what they've done. I'm not going to say wrong has not been done. But I'll forgive it.

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