Friday, June 5, 2009

Clarification On Me

I should clarify, just to clarify, no, I wasn't feeling "bipolar" yesterday and probably it was a bad choice of words given accusations from legal adversaries that there's something wrong with me. My day was normal, and I wasn't any different than usual, under stress. I'm very resilient--not much affects me. I cried for about 5 minutes yesterday, and that was it. And then I wanted to go to bed at about 10 or so instead of 3 in the morning and that's normal. I didn't have "bouts" at all.

ALSO! I have been meaning to clarify about some of my diary entries that I posted...the one where I write "I am Anne of Green Gables" and "Christopher Colombus"...I THINK everyone knows where that was coming from, but less artistic types may not. No, I didn't really believe I "was" these individuals. I writing from stream of consciousness to generate story ideas and also write about myself, and what I felt, at that time, reprented me. When I wrote "I am Christopher Colombus" I meant in the sense where Christopher went out and explored the world and took a great voyage without inhibition. Not saying all he did was right! but in the sense of being adventurous and wanting to see the other side of the world, I wrote "I am christopher colombus".

I forgot to clarify this and I think most creative or intellectual types know what I was talking about, or what vein of thought, but others might not. So for my own protection!

My son has quite the imagination already, himself. I was surprised. The little image I wrote, about him pointing out things, which weren't there, was totally true. My son is imaginative and a thinker like me!

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